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R - How to make a subset of columns based on values in a row in a data frame

I have a matrix that I would like to subset and eventually use to make a plot. The data is a list of counts for specific blood markers for each patient in a population. It looks like this:

    df <- data.frame(MarkerID=c("Class","A123","A124"),

I would like to make a data frame of all of the patients (columns 3-6) that have a class value of zero (1st row) and a second data frame of all of the patients with a class value of 1.

In the past I have used the subset function to select rows based on the values in a column, is it possible to select a subset of columns based on the values in a row?

I've tried this:

x <- subset(data, data[1,] == 0)

however, when I do dim(x) the number of columns is the same as dim(data) but the number of rows is different. Any ideas on how I can make this return just those columns whose value in row 1 is 0?

Roland, Yes. You're example df is what the data frame looks like. There are ~30,000 markers and >400 patients in the data frame so I didn't post the dput(head(data)). Thanks for the reshaping tip, I'll give that a try.

Your example code did work to subset the columns based on the rows


on the data I was then able to get a data frame with all of the rows and only the columns with the indicated class.

like image 693
jeran stratford Avatar asked Jan 26 '13 17:01

jeran stratford

People also ask

How do you subset a DataFrame based on values in a column in R?

How to subset the data frame (DataFrame) by column value and name in R? By using R base df[] notation, or subset() you can easily subset the R Data Frame (data. frame) by column value or by column name.

How do you subset columns in R?

The most general way to subset a data frame by rows and/or columns is the base R Extract[] function, indicated by matched square brackets instead of the usual matched parentheses. For a data frame named d the general format is d[rows, columms] .

How do I select a row based on a column value in R?

By using bracket notation on R DataFrame (data.name) we can select rows by column value, by index, by name, by condition e.t.c. You can also use the R base function subset() to get the same results. Besides these, R also provides another function dplyr::filter() to get the rows from the DataFrame.

How do I create a subset DataFrame in R?

If you wanted to get the subset of a data. frame (DataFrame) Rows & Columns in R, either use the subset() function , filter() from dplyr package or R base square bracket notation df[] . subset() is a generic R function that is used to get the rows and columns (In R terms observations & variables) from the data frame.

1 Answers

Your data is nor arranged in a good way. It would be better to reshape it.

In absence of input data this is just a guess:

df <- data.frame(MarkerID=c("Class","A123","A124"),

#  MarkerID MarkerName Patient.1 Patent.2 Patent.3 Patient.4
#1    Class                    0        1        0         1
#2     A123          X         1        2        3         4
#3     A124          Y         5        6        7         8


#  MarkerID MarkerName Patient.1 Patent.3
#1    Class                    0        0
#2     A123          X         1        3
#3     A124          Y         5        7

Here c(TRUE,TRUE,df[1,-(1:2)]==0) creates a logical vector, which is TRUE for the first two columns and for those columns, which have a 0 in the first row. Then I subset the columns based on this vector.


#  MarkerID MarkerName Patent.2 Patient.4
#1    Class                   1         1
#2     A123          X        2         4
#3     A124          Y        6         8

This would reshape your data into a more common format (for statistical software):

df2 <- merge(melt(df[1,],variable.name="Patient",value.name="class")[-(1:2)],

#    Patient class MarkerID MarkerName value
#1  Patent.2     1     A123          X     2
#2  Patent.2     1     A124          Y     6
#3  Patent.3     0     A123          X     3
#4  Patent.3     0     A124          Y     7
#5 Patient.1     0     A123          X     1
#6 Patient.1     0     A124          Y     5
#7 Patient.4     1     A123          X     4
#8 Patient.4     1     A124          Y     8

You could then use subset:


#    Patient class MarkerID MarkerName value
#3  Patent.3     0     A123          X     3
#4  Patent.3     0     A124          Y     7
#5 Patient.1     0     A123          X     1
#6 Patient.1     0     A124          Y     5
like image 175
Roland Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09
