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R: How to add notes to a PowerPoint (officer)

I'm creating a PowerPoint document from R using the officer package and I'd like to add notes to my slides.

Is it possible to add notes to a particular powerpoint slide from R (preferably using the officer package)?

I'm really unsure if an appropriate function exists within the officeR (or any other) R package.

A workaround that I was thinking about was creating a custom slide layout (in the PowerPoint template file that I'm using) that contains the notes and then simply using this layout when I create the deck within R. But unfortunately it seems that PowerPoint doesn't let you add notes to a slide layout within the Master View.

like image 995
Tom Bombadil Avatar asked Jun 29 '18 07:06

Tom Bombadil

People also ask

Can you add notes in PowerPoint?

Select Notes below the slide. Type your notes. Select Notes if you want to hide your speaker notes.

Why can I not add notes to PowerPoint?

To add notes to your PowerPoint slides, you'll need to have your presentation set to "Normal" view. You can add notes to individual slides through a button using the "Notes" button.

1 Answers

Officer now has a set_notes function that allows you to add notes to a slide.

As David Gohel mentioned, notes are directly supported in rmarkdown and work with officedown ppt templates.

## My Slide

- Awesome
- Slide
- Content

::: notes
These are notes for ppt
like image 61
Collin Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 22:10
