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r: for loop operation with nested indices runs super slow

I have an operation I'd like to run for each row of a data frame, changing one column. I'm an apply/ddply/sqldf man, but I'll use loops when they make sense, and I think this is one of those times. This case is tricky because the column to changes depends on information that changes by row; depending on information in one cell, I should make a change to only one of ten other cells in that row. With 75 columns and 20000 rows, the operation takes 10 minutes, when every other operation in my script takes 0-5 seconds, ten seconds max. I've stripped my problem down to the very simple test case below.

n <- 20000
t.df <- data.frame(matrix(1:5000, ncol=10, nrow=n) )
 for (i in 1:nrow(t.df)) {
 t.df[i,(t.df[i,1]%%10 + 1)] <- 99

This takes 70 seconds with ten columns, and 360 when ncol=50. That's crazy. Are loops the wrong approach? Is there a better, more efficient way to do this?

I already tried initializing the nested term (t.df[i,1]%%10 + 1) as a list outside the for loop. It saves about 30 seconds (out of 10 minutes) but makes the example code above more complicated. So it helps, but its not the solution.

My current best idea came while preparing this test case. For me, only 10 of the columns are relevant (and 75-11 columns are irrelevant). Since the run times depend so much on the number of columns, I can just run the above operation on a data frame that excludes irrelevant columns. That will get me down to just over a minute. But is "for loop with nested indices" even the best way to think about my problem?

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enfascination Avatar asked Nov 30 '11 18:11


People also ask

Why is my for loop taking so long in R?

Loops are slower in R than in C++ because R is an interpreted language (not compiled), even if now there is just-in-time (JIT) compilation in R (>= 3.4) that makes R loops faster (yet, still not as fast). Then, R loops are not that bad if you don't use too many iterations (let's say not more than 100,000 iterations).

Is Lapply faster than for loop?

The apply functions (apply, sapply, lapply etc.) are marginally faster than a regular for loop, but still do their looping in R, rather than dropping down to the lower level of C code. For a beginner, it can also be difficult to understand why you would want to use one of these functions with their arcane syntax.

2 Answers

It seems the real bottleneck is having the data in the form of a data.frame. I assume that in your real problem you have a compelling reason to use a data.frame. Any way to convert your data in such a way that it can remain in a matrix?

By the way, great question and a very good example.

Here's an illustration of how much faster loops are on matrices than on data.frames:

> n <- 20000
> t.df <- (matrix(1:5000, ncol=10, nrow=n) )
> system.time(
+   for (i in 1:nrow(t.df)) {
+     t.df[i,(t.df[i,1]%%10 + 1)] <- 99
+   }
+ )
   user  system elapsed 
  0.084   0.001   0.084 
> n <- 20000
> t.df <- data.frame(matrix(1:5000, ncol=10, nrow=n) )
> system.time(
+   for (i in 1:nrow(t.df)) {
+     t.df[i,(t.df[i,1]%%10 + 1)] <- 99
+   }
+   )
   user  system elapsed 
 31.543  57.664  89.224 
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JD Long Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 05:11

JD Long

Using row and col seems less complicated to me:

t.df[col(t.df) == (row(t.df) %% 10) + 1]  <- 99

I think Tommy's is still faster, but using row and col might be easier to understand.

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joran Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 05:11
