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R: Cross validation on a dataset with factors

Often, I want to run a cross validation on a dataset which contains some factor variables and after running for a while, the cross validation routine fails with the error: factor x has new levels Y.

For example, using package boot:

d <- data.frame(x=c('A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C'), y=c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))
m <- glm(y ~ x, data=d)
m.cv <- cv.glm(d, m, K=2) # Sometimes succeeds
m.cv <- cv.glm(d, m, K=2)
# Error in model.frame.default(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.action, xlev = object$xlevels) : 
#   factor x has new levels B

Update: This is a toy example. The same problem occurs with larger datasets as well, where there are several occurrences of level C but none of them is present in the training partition.

The function createDataPartition function from the package caret does stratified sampling for the outcome variables and correctly warns:

Also, for ‘createDataPartition’, very small class sizes (<= 3) the classes may not show up in both the training and test data.

There are two solutions which spring to mind:

  1. First, create a subset of the data by selecting one random sample of each factor level first, starting from the rarest class (by frequency) and then greedily satisfying the next rare class and so on. Then using createDataPartition on the rest of the dataset and merging the results to create a new train dataset which contains all levels.
  2. Using createDataPartitions and and doing rejection sampling.

So far, option 2 has worked for me because of the data sizes, but I cannot help but think that there must be a better solution than a hand rolled out one.

Ideally, I would want a solution which just works for creating partitions and fails early if there is no way to create such partitions.

Is there a fundamental theoretical reason why packages do not offer this? Do they offer it and I just haven't been able to spot them because of a blind spot? Is there a better way of doing this stratified sampling?

Please leave a comment if I should ask this question on stats.stackoverflow.com.


This is what my hand rolled out solution (2) looks like:

get.cv.idx <- function(train.data, folds, factor.cols = NA) {

    if (is.na(factor.cols)) {
        all.cols        <- colnames(train.data)
        factor.cols     <- all.cols[laply(llply(train.data[1, ], class), function (x) 'factor' %in% x)]

    n                   <- nrow(train.data)
    test.n              <- floor(1 / folds * n)

    cond.met            <- FALSE
    n.tries             <- 0

    while (!cond.met) {
        n.tries         <- n.tries + 1
        test.idx        <- sample(nrow(train.data), test.n)
        train.idx       <- setdiff(1:nrow(train.data), test.idx)

        cond.met        <- TRUE

        for(factor.col in factor.cols) {
            train.levels <- train.data[ train.idx, factor.col ]
            test.levels  <- train.data[ test.idx , factor.col ]
            if (length(unique(train.levels)) < length(unique(test.levels))) {
                cat('Factor level: ', factor.col, ' violated constraint, retrying.\n')
                cond.met <- FALSE

    cat('Done in ', n.tries, ' trie(s).\n')

    list( train.idx = train.idx
        , test.idx  = test.idx
like image 996
musically_ut Avatar asked Nov 13 '13 06:11


People also ask

How do you implement cross-validation in R?

K-fold Cross-Validation Split the dataset into K subsets randomly. Use K-1 subsets for training the model. Test the model against that one subset that was left in the previous step. Repeat the above steps for K times i.e., until the model is not trained and tested on all subsets.

How do you do a 10 fold cross-validation in R?

Set the method parameter to “cv” and number parameter to 10. It means that we set the cross-validation with ten folds. We can set the number of the fold with any number, but the most common way is to set it to five or ten. The train() function is used to determine the method we use.

1 Answers

Everyone agrees that there sure is an optimal solution. But personally, I would just try the cv.glm call until it works usingwhile.

m.cv<- try(cv.glm(d, m, K=2)) #First try
class(m.cv) #Sometimes error, sometimes list
while ( inherits(m.cv, "try-error") ) {
m.cv<- try(cv.glm(d, m, K=2))
class(m.cv) #always list

I've tried it with 100,000 rows in the data.fame and it only takes a few seconds.

n <-100000
d <- data.frame(x=c(rep('A',n), rep('B', n), 'C', 'C'), y=1:(n*2+2))
m <- glm(y ~ x, data=d)

m.cv<- try(cv.glm(d, m, K=2))
class(m.cv) #Sometimes error, sometimes list
while ( inherits(m.cv, "try-error") ) {
m.cv<- try(cv.glm(d, m, K=2))
class(m.cv) #always list
like image 134
Pierre Lapointe Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 14:10

Pierre Lapointe