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R convert string to vector tokenize using " "


I have a string :

string1 <- "This is my string" 

I would like to convert it to a vector that looks like this:

vector1 "This" "is" "my" "string" 

How do I do this? I know I could use the tm package to convert to termDocumentMatrix and then convert to a matrix but it would alphabetize the words and I need them to stay in the same order.

like image 660
screechOwl Avatar asked Aug 13 '12 01:08


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2 Answers

You can use strsplit to accomplish this task.

string1 <- "This is my string" strsplit(string1, " ")[[1]] #[1] "This"   "is"     "my"     "string" 
like image 173
Dason Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09


Slightly different from Dason, but this will split for any amount of white space including newlines:

string1 <- "This   is my string" strsplit(string1, "\\s+")[[1]] 
like image 21
Sacha Epskamp Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09

Sacha Epskamp