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QVector.push_back error




error in

QVector<LibraryRecord> Library;
Library.push_back(LibraryRecord(DateOfIssue, ReturnDate, FIO,tTekct,FName,TText));

error message:

 no matching function for call to LibraryRecord::LibraryRecord()’

why? Constructor present

LibraryRecord::LibraryRecord(QString pDateOfIssue,
                             QString pReturnDate,
                             QString FIO,
                             QString tTekct,
                             QString fName,
                                 QString TTextt)

Can you tell me how to fix this? Thanks in advance!

like image 609
Бориска Сосиска Avatar asked Dec 13 '22 09:12

Бориска Сосиска

1 Answers

Unlike the C++ Standard Library containers (e.g. std::vector), the Qt containers require that the value type be default constructible.

That is, your type LibraryRecord must also have a default constructor (the constructor that you show, which requires arguments, is not a default constructor).

like image 70
James McNellis Avatar answered Dec 14 '22 22:12

James McNellis