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Quit Browser-sync from terminal



How can you quit browser-sync from running in the terminal without quitting the terminal application itself? I am new to using terminal-based frameworks and technologies so this is probably very basic, but I haven't found such command in the guides from their website. What I am trying to do is exiting browser-sync session and keep on using the terminal.

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Uknowho Avatar asked Jan 03 '17 15:01


People also ask

What is BrowserSync connected?

By"synchronizing file changes and interactions across multiple browsers and devices", that means almost everything you do in one browser is watched and performs on other browsers and devices that you are connected to via BrowserSync.

What is browser sync client JS?

Browsersync is a module for Node. js, a platform for fast network applications. There are convenient installers for MacOS, Windows and Linux.

2 Answers

Just Press ctrl + c You will asked to press Y / N And if you press Y then the browser sync will stop along with other command line tools.

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Legend Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10


I am also relatively new command-line and sorts, but I do believe that any local server can be terminated via "ctrl+c". While I am not sure about the general rule, I do know that ctrl+c works to exit browser sync in the terminal.

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user3718175 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10
