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Quickest way to duplicate an android project?

What is the quickest way to duplicate an existing android project in the workspace, copying that project (with a new name) to the workspace as well?

I already have a method to duplicate an SDK-sample project into workspace, but it involves an intermediate step in which project is "created from existing source" in a temporary folder which isn't the workspace.

Is there a shorter way?

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Android Eve Avatar asked Mar 02 '11 16:03

Android Eve

People also ask

How can I duplicate a project in Android Studio?

Select your project then go to Refactor -> Copy... . Android Studio will ask you the new name and where you want to copy the project. Provide the same. After the copying is done, open your new project in Android Studio.

How do I duplicate apps on Android?

Open the Settings app. Scroll down, tap Utilities, and tap Parallel Apps. You'll see a list of apps that you can make copies of—not every app is supported. Find the app you want to clone, and turn its toggle to the On position.

How do you copy an app?

Open the app that you want to copy, click Settings, then click App management. Click Copy app. Note: If Copy app doesn't appear, you do not have permission from the Application Manager to copy the app.

2 Answers

If you right click on a project in Project Explorer and choose copy, and then paste it into the project explorer it will give you an option to rename it. You will have to open the project you want to copy so no projects are selected in the Project Explorer.

EDIT: The solution is not to click outside the project but copying an opened project, as @android-eve said.

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Robby Pond Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 13:10

Robby Pond

Here's the procedure I've been using for making a new copy of a project. It's worked fone for a large project I wanted to break down to a smaller more specialized and I also have a scene manager template that I clone from for the start of each new project. All these steps seem to work fine and it's done within Eclipse/ADT

how to clone a project and rename it. ------------------------------ open up the source project, (ie just click on it. name of project and leave it highlighted) then control-c control-v , give it a new name..note this is a TEMP name because you will have to rechange it in a second so "the copy" is just fine.

The copy should paste in place, open up the copy ,right click on top line and select "refactor--> rename--> give the new name you want to name the whole project and check "update references" if it's not already checked.

Then go into manifest and change the name there. Be sure and make the change in the "manifest" tab NOT in the xml code . and hit save icon , a pop-up will ask if you want to "update your Launch Configurations", hit "YES"

Click on "SRC" at the top of the package. Notice how the package name under the src folder has not changed names. right click that and select refactor>, Change the name. ... a rename menu appears, all the boxes should be checked and hit "preview" (you might get a warning it already exists...go on anyway) that should then change the package names in the individual class files. Open a few and check the top line for the package is updated. under res/values is a file strings.xml. Open it you should see this. XXXXXXXX

and change the XXXXXXX part to the new name you want for your icon on the device/emulator, probably the Apps name that's it. It was such a pain to do this each time so I created my own "doc" to help. I've double checked this a few time

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jagdtiger_jones Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 13:10
