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Quick way to upsample numpy array by nearest neighbor tiling [duplicate]


I have a 2D array of integers that is MxN, and I would like to expand the array to (BM)x(BN) where B is the length of a square tile side thus each element of the input array is repeated as a BxB block in the final array. Below is an example with a nested for loop. Is there a quicker/builtin way?

import numpy as np  a = np.arange(9).reshape([3,3])            # input array - 3x3 B=2.                                       # block size - 2   A = np.zeros([a.shape[0]*B,a.shape[1]*B])  # output array - 6x6  # Loop, filling A with tiled values of a at each index for i,l in enumerate(a):                   # lines in a     for j,aij in enumerate(l):             # a[i,j]         A[B*i:B*(i+1),B*j:B*(j+1)] = aij 

Result ...

a=      [[0 1 2]          [3 4 5]          [6 7 8]]  A =     [[ 0.  0.  1.  1.  2.  2.]          [ 0.  0.  1.  1.  2.  2.]          [ 3.  3.  4.  4.  5.  5.]          [ 3.  3.  4.  4.  5.  5.]          [ 6.  6.  7.  7.  8.  8.]          [ 6.  6.  7.  7.  8.  8.]] 
like image 454
mlh3789 Avatar asked Sep 29 '15 14:09


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1 Answers

One option is

>>> a.repeat(2, axis=0).repeat(2, axis=1) array([[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2],        [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2],        [3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5],        [3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5],        [6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8],        [6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8]]) 

This is slightly wasteful due to the intermediate array but it's concise at least.

like image 146
YXD Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 11:10