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Quick way to see variables that apply in current scope and which object self refers to, RAILS

Is there a quick way to find out which variables apply with the current scope, and which object 'self' refers to in Ruby on Rails?

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Jordan Poulton Avatar asked Feb 24 '13 22:02

Jordan Poulton

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1 Answers

I think pry is a great solution, although debugger, as @jvnill suggested, also works.

gem install pry # or add to bundler

In your code you need to add the following wherever you are interested in inspecting the scope:

require 'pry'
binding.pry # this will open a console view with the binding as the current scope

In pry there is something built in for what you're asking:

pry> ls

ls will show variables and methods that can be called and from which objects/classes they originate.

pry> self # will return self in the current context
pry> pry-backtrace # shows the current stack
pry> help # will show the list of commands
pry> cd <some obj> # will change the scope to the target object
pry> exit # move back out to previous console scope

Clarify if you are looking for something entirely different.

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Matt Dressel Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11

Matt Dressel