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Querying with multiple local Secondary Index Dynamodb

I have 2 LSI in my table with a primary partition Key with primary sort key

Org-ID - primary partition Key

ClientID- primary sort Key

Gender - LSI

Section - LSI

I have no issue with querying a table with one LSI, but how to mention 2 LSI in a table schema.

 var params = {
 IndexNames: ['ClientID-Gender-index','ClientID-Section-index'], 

KeyConditionExpression : '#Key1 = :Value1 and #Key2=:Value2 and #Key3=:Value3', 


ExpressionAttributeValues : {
':Value1' :"Microsoft",
':Value3':"Cloud Computing"

Can anyone fix the issue in IndexName(line 3) or KeyConditionExpression(line 4), I'm not sure about it.


Condition can be of length 1 or 2 only

like image 865
anna poorani Avatar asked Jul 08 '17 03:07

anna poorani

People also ask

Can you have 10 local secondary indexes on a table?

The data in a local secondary index is organized by the same partition key as the base table, but with a different sort key. This lets you access data items efficiently across this different dimension. For greater query or scan flexibility, you can create up to five local secondary indexes per table.

How many secondary indexes are allowed per DynamoDB table?

Each table in DynamoDB can have up to 20 global secondary indexes (default quota) and 5 local secondary indexes.

Can we have multiple GSI in DynamoDB?

You can create 20 global secondary indexes for a DynamoDB table as of the time this page was written. Sometimes, though, your application might need to support multiple access patterns and exceed the current limit of global secondary indexes per table.

How many secondary indexes are allowed per table?

For maximum query flexibility, you can create up to 20 global secondary indexes (default quota) and up to 5 local secondary indexes per table.

1 Answers

You can only query a single DynamoDB index at a time. You cannot use multiple indexes in the same query.

A simple alternative is to use a single index and apply a query filter, but this will potentially require a lot of records to be scanned and the filter only reduces the amount of data transferred over the network.

A more advanced alternative is to make a compound key. You would most likely want to use a GSI, rather than an LSI for this use case. By making a single new column that is the string concatenation of Key1, Key2, and Key3 you can use this GSI to search all three keys at the same time. This will make each individual record bigger by repeating data but it allows for a more complex query pattern.

like image 82
JaredHatfield Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09
