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Querying Windows Active Directory server using ldapsearch from command line

Can anyone let me know if querying Active Directory server using ldapsearch, ldapadd, ldapdelete, etc. utilities is possible or not?

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Shriram Avatar asked Mar 06 '14 12:03


People also ask

How do you query ldapsearch?

To search for the LDAP configuration, use the “ldapsearch” command and specify “cn=config” as the search base for your LDAP tree. To run this search, you have to use the “-Y” option and specify “EXTERNAL” as the authentication mechanism.

1 Answers

The short answer is "yes". A sample ldapsearch command to query an Active Directory server is:

ldapsearch \     -x -h ldapserver.mydomain.com \     -D "[email protected]" \     -W \     -b "cn=users,dc=mydomain,dc=com" \     -s sub "(cn=*)" cn mail sn 

This would connect to an AD server at hostname ldapserver.mydomain.com as user [email protected], prompt for the password on the command line and show name and email details for users in the cn=users,dc=mydomain,dc=com subtree.

See Managing LDAP from the Command Line on Linux for more samples. See LDAP Query Basics for Microsoft Exchange documentation for samples using LDAP queries with Active Directory.

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3 revs, 2 users 86% Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

3 revs, 2 users 86%