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Querying a related model within a Laravel query scope

I have a query scope method that filters results on a Foo model by the author of the model. The complication is that the author is not directly related.

Foo belongs to Bar and Bar belongs to User. If Foo belonged to User, I could just do this:

public function scopeAuthorOnly($query, User $user)
    return $query->whereuser_id($user->id);

This obviously won't work as the Foo model has no user_id column and instead has a bar_id column. However I'm not sure how I can build the query in a way that would filter the user_id.

Any pointers?

like image 638
Russ Back Avatar asked Aug 29 '13 21:08

Russ Back

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1 Answers

Found a solution:

public function scopeAuthorOnly($query, User $user)
        ->join('bars', 'foos.bar_id', '=', 'bars.id')
        ->join('users', 'bars.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
        ->where('users.id', '=', $user->id);

    return $query;
like image 81
Russ Back Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 12:10

Russ Back