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QueryDSL and SubQuery with Tuple condition

I am trying to write a query in QueryDSL to fetch the oldest elements of a table grouped by their parentId.

The SQL equivalent should be:

SELECT a.* FROM child a
        SELECT parentId, MAX(revision) FROM child GROUP BY parentId
    ) b
    ON ( 
        a.parentId = b.parentId AND a.revision = b.revision

Now in QueryDSL I'm stuck with the syntax.

JPQLQuery<Tuple> subquery = JPAExpressions
                .select(child.parent, child.revision.max())

HibernateQuery<Child> query = new HibernateQuery<>(session);

How do you write this query using a subquery ?

The tables are looking like this :

___parent___ (not used in this query, but exists)
P1       | *
P2       | *
P3       | *

parentId | revision
P1       | 1       | *
P1       | 2       | *
P1       | 3       | *
P2       | 2       | *
P2       | 3       | *
P3       | 1       | *

___result from child, the highest revision for each parentId___
P1       | 3       | *
P2       | 3       | *
P3       | 1       | *

What I've tried so far :


-> org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected end of subtree

and many syntax errors ...

I use a dirty loop, for now, since I haven't found a solution yet.

like image 755
Guillaume F. Avatar asked Dec 02 '15 15:12

Guillaume F.

3 Answers

You can use Expressions.list() to specify more than one column for the in clause:

query.from(child).where(Expressions.list(child.parent, child.revision).in(subquery));

The alternative is to use innerJoin(), as in your original SQL.

like image 96
Timi Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 02:10


Expressions.list(ENTITY.year, ENTITY.week).in(//
                    Expressions.list(Expressions.constant(1029), Expressions.constant(1)),
                    Expressions.list(Expressions.constant(1030), Expressions.constant(1)),
                    Expressions.list(Expressions.constant(1031), Expressions.constant(1))

would be what you are looking for, but QueryDSL generates wrong SQL from it:

((p0_.year , p0_.week) in (1029 , 1 , (1030 , 1) , (1031 , 1)))
like image 35
JRA_TLL Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 00:10


In JPA subqueries can appear only in the where part.

Here is my take on your query

like image 1
Timo Westkämper Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 00:10

Timo Westkämper