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Query transaction log in postgresql



I am wondering if it's possible to query transactions using standard query select.

For example:

SELECT * FROM information_schema.transaction_logs 
WHERE table_name = 'product' AND time_stamp > '2016-01-01';

the result would be something like

===> table_name | operation | old_val_json   | new_val_json...
      product   |    update | {....desc:...} | {...desc...}| 

The query does not work because there is no such table as transaction_logs, but does something similar to this exist?

like image 551
Wei Ma Avatar asked Mar 29 '16 17:03

Wei Ma

1 Answers

You can query write-ahead log stream through a logical replication slot.

First, you need to change a couple of parameters and then restart the server for the changes to take place:

postgres=# alter system set wal_level = logical;
postgres=# alter system set max_replication_slots = 1;

Then (after restart) you need to create a slot:

postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('slot', 'test_decoding');
 slot_name | xlog_position 
 slot      | 2E/839F3300
(1 row)

Here, test_decoding is an output plugin name which is intended to convert log records (which are binary) to some text representation.

Then let's create a table...

postgres=# create table product(id serial, val json);

Now you can query WAL stream:

postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('slot', NULL, NULL);
  location   |  xid  |     data     
 2E/83A0BA48 | 80243 | BEGIN 80243
 2E/83A1D2B8 | 80243 | COMMIT 80243
(2 rows)

Unfortunately, now you can't decode DDL, so you get just BEGIN and END. Xid field represents transaction number.

But let's insert something...

postgres=# insert into product(val) values ('{"desc":"aaa"}');

Now query the stream again:

postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('slot', NULL, NULL);
  location   |  xid  |                                  data                                  
 2E/83A1D3C0 | 80244 | BEGIN 80244
 2E/83A1D3C0 | 80244 | table public.product: INSERT: id[integer]:1 val[json]:'{"desc":"aaa"}'
 2E/83A1D440 | 80244 | COMMIT 80244
(3 rows)

Here you can see the table name and inserted values.

The same for an update statement:

postgres=# update product set val = '{"desc":"bbb"}';
postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('slot', NULL, NULL);
  location   |  xid  |                                  data                                  
 2E/83A1D560 | 80245 | BEGIN 80245
 2E/83A1D560 | 80245 | table public.product: UPDATE: id[integer]:1 val[json]:'{"desc":"bbb"}'
 2E/83A1D5E8 | 80245 | COMMIT 80245
(3 rows)

Note that after you "consume" some changes from the stream by using pg_logical_slot_get_changes function, you cannot query the same changes again.

Drop the slot if you need it no more:

postgres=# SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot('slot');

(1 row)

You can read more about logical decoding in the documentation.

like image 134
Egor Rogov Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 15:10

Egor Rogov