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Query MongoDB with a regex expression against an ObjectId




Is it possible to do a query like:

db.artigo.find( { _id : ObjectId('520a504a3004bc615fcfcf16') } )

but using a regex on ObjectId?

For example, do get _ids that contains "004" on that position above.

PS. The reason is to implement a shorty service based on some fields, namely the _id. I'm trying to create an implicit "shorty" service instead of an explicit one (with a field generated for the purpose).

like image 607
Luís Soares Avatar asked Apr 10 '15 18:04

Luís Soares

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2 Answers

  • ObjectId is not a string but a special type in MongoDB. You can not
    query with a regex expression operator against a field that contains ObjectId's.
  • But... _id doesn't have to be an ObjectId, so what i would suggest is providing your own unique string as _id then you can use a regex
    expression for querying.
like image 148
nickmilon Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 05:10


ObjectId is not a string but a special type in MongoDB. You can not query with a regex expression operator against a field that contains ObjectId's.

_id doesn't have to be an ObjectId, so what I would suggest is providing your own unique string as _id then you can use a regex the expression for querying.


let userId = 'bf44fa';

const result = await Users.aggregate([
    $addFields: {
      tempUserId: { $toString: '$_id' },
    $match: {
      tempUserId: { $regex: userId, $options: "i" }

Now we can find by _id with the last 6 digits or start 6 digits by using aggregation as your wish.

like image 30
Farrukh Malik Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 04:10

Farrukh Malik