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Query complex JSON in SQL Server - filter array of objects

I'm having problems meshing together the JSON functions in Msft Sql Server. I have a table that stores complex JSON structures and need to pull out a subset of an array of objects.

As an example, I made a simple script that creates a table and populates it with a few records:

CREATE TABLE JsonData ( CompanyId int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, Name varchar(50) NOT NULL, Json varchar(max) NOT NULL)

INSERT INTO JsonData (Name, Json) VALUES ('Company A', '{"Sector":"Food/Bev","EmployeeCount":105,"Address":{"Address1":"88 Oak Ave","Address2":"","City":"Madison","State":"WI","Zip":"11223"},"Vehicles":[{"Make":"Toyota","Model":"Camry","Year":2013,"Maintenance":[{"Desc":"Oil change","PerformedOn":"2017-04-01"},{"Desc":"Oil change","PerformedOn":"2017-08-01"}]},{"Make":"Ford","Model":"F150","Year":2010,"Maintenance":[{"Desc":"Oil change","PerformedOn":"2015-01-01"}]},{"Make":"Honda","Model":"Odyssey","Year":2010,"Maintenance":[{"Desc":"Oil change","PerformedOn":"2013-01-01"},{"Desc":"Oil change","PerformedOn":"2014-01-01"}]}]}');
INSERT INTO JsonData (Name, Json) VALUES ('Company B', '{"Sector":"Plastics","EmployeeCount":853,"Address":{"Address1":"100 Main St","Address2":"","City":"Anchorage","State":"AK","Zip":"56432"},"Vehicles":[{"Make":"Ford","Model":"F150","Year":2003,"Maintenance":[{"Desc":"Oil change","PerformedOn":"2017-01-01"},{"Desc":"Tire rotation","PerformedOn":"2017-01-01"},{"Desc":"Brake inspection","PerformedOn":"2017-02-01"}]},{"Make":"Ford","Model":"F150","Year":2008,"Maintenance":[{"Desc":"Oil change","PerformedOn":"2017-01-01"}]},{"Make":"Volkswagen","Model":"Jetta","Year":2010,"Maintenance":[]}]}');
INSERT INTO JsonData (Name, Json) VALUES ('Company C', '{"Sector":"Plastics","EmployeeCount":50,"Address":{"Address1":"99 Pine St","Address2":"","City":"Dallas","State":"TX","Zip":"33443"},"Vehicles":[{"Make":"Pontiac","Model":"Fiero","Year":1998,"Maintenance":[{"Desc":"Oil change","PerformedOn":"2010-04-01"},{"Desc":"Oil change","PerformedOn":"2000-08-01"}]},{"Make":"Chevy","Model":"Silverado","Year":2008,"Maintenance":[{"Desc":"Oil change","PerformedOn":"2010-01-01"}]},{"Make":"Honda","Model":"Odyssey","Year":2014,"Maintenance":[{"Desc":"Oil change","PerformedOn":"2015-04-01"},{"Desc":"Oil change","PerformedOn":"2015-09-01"}]}]}');

I'm trying to get a list of the Vehicles for Company B that are Fords. My thought was to grab the record for Company B, then parse the json to get the array of Vehicles where Make = 'Ford'. This script works, but it's really clunky.

It seems to me this should all be rolled up into one single statement.

DECLARE @vehicJson varchar(max);
SELECT @vehicJson = '{ "Vehicles": ' + JSON_QUERY(json, '$.Vehicles') + '}' FROM JsonData WHERE Name = 'Company B';
SELECT @vehicJson;
SELECT * FROM OPENJSON(@vehicJson, '$.Vehicles') WHERE JSON_VALUE(value, '$.Make') = 'Ford';

First problem I see is the JSON_QUERY function returns my array of objects as a string, but it's not pure JSON. I manually prefix and suffix that string to make it a true JSON format.
I tried using the For JSON PATH to output true JSON, but that doesn't allow me to assign the output into a variable.

Next problem is the OPENJSON is working on a string variable, which follows all of the Msft examples I found. I find the examples odd since I assume most actual implementations would store the JSON in a table of some sorts.

Disclaimer: the JSON structure I used in the example above is much simpler than the format I have to work with. I am considering breaking the structure down into simpler components, then building up the final complete structure within the Select queries. Performance may also dictate the breaking up of this complex structure. My intent is to create Views that help "denormalize" the JSON into more traditional SQL data formats for debugging and filtering.

like image 401
Matthew Allen Avatar asked Feb 27 '18 15:02

Matthew Allen

People also ask

How can I get specific data from JSON in SQL?

To query JSON data, you can use standard T-SQL. If you must create a query or report on JSON data, you can easily convert JSON data to rows and columns by calling the OPENJSON rowset function. For more information, see Convert JSON Data to Rows and Columns with OPENJSON (SQL Server).

How can I get specific data from JSON?

Getting a specific property from a JSON response object Instead, you select the exact property you want and pull that out through dot notation. The dot ( . ) after response (the name of the JSON payload, as defined arbitrarily in the jQuery AJAX function) is how you access the values you want from the JSON object.

How do I open nested JSON in SQL Server?

The OPENJSON () table value function transforms JSON object to one or many rows. It will not execute any command. It just returns a table row if JSON text is properly formatted. OPENJSON function will also work with JSON arrays and this function can also open nested/hierarchical JSON objects.

1 Answers

The query will obviously change depending on your structure, but I'm taking your sample.

OPENJSON can shred your JSON back to relational form so you can more easily filter and select. You do that using the optional WITH clause:

SELECT j.*, j2.*
FROM JsonData j
    Make VARCHAR(10),
    Model VARCHAR(10),
    Year INT
) j2
WHERE j.Name = 'Company B'
    AND j2.Make = 'Ford'

You can go a long way without using JSON_QUERY or JSON_VALUE. And the above can be used in a view as you said, so the Json stuff is completely hidden.

The case of the string variable can be easily solved by CROSS APPLYing your data to the OPENJSON function as I've shown in the code above.

Does this take you closer to where you need to be?

like image 122
kirchner Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10
