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Quartz CronTriggers in Akka Actors using or not using Camel?

I have a Db of Quartz CronTriggers. I want to port this entire system to an Akka based backend I am architecting currently. I was looking at and thinking about ways this can be done.

For instance, CustomRouteBuilders and other similar stuff. I tried the excellent Quartz-Camel-Akka integration example by Giovani and was quite impressed with it. Now, I have multiple cron triggers in my system with different and user created cron expressions.

How can I program a system of Camel Consumer Actors with such user dependent endpointUri's? Was thinking of many options but could not figure out anything yet.

Please help me in this endeavor. I am also open to other ideas beyond Quartz and Camel. I want to stick to Akka based backend platform. My system consists of user defined jobs that fire at user defined cron formable timings.

like image 384
Kamesh Rao Yeduvakula Avatar asked Jul 20 '11 07:07

Kamesh Rao Yeduvakula

1 Answers

Starting from a list of cron expressions (e.g. read from database) you could iterate over the list and start a quartz consumer actor for each element. Here's an example:

import akka.actor.Actor
import akka.actor.Actor._
import akka.camel.CamelServiceManager._
import akka.camel.Consumer

object CronExample {

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val cronExpressions: List[String] = ... // cron expressions read from database


    cronExpressions foreach { cronExpression =>
      val timerName: String = ... // app-specific timer name for cronExpression
      actorOf(new Scheduler(timerName, cronExpression)).start

  class Scheduler(timerName: String, cronExpression: String) extends Actor with Consumer {
    def endpointUri = "quartz://%s?cron=%s" format (timerName, cronExpression)

    protected def receive = {
      case msg => ... // react on timer event
like image 67
Martin Krasser Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10

Martin Krasser