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Quarterly Year over Year Growth Rate



I have been trying to calculate the growth rate comparing quarter 1 from one year to quarter 1 for the following year.
In excel the formula would look like this ((B6-B2)/B2)*100.

What is the best way to accomplish this in R? I know how to get the differences from period to period, but cannot accomplish it with 4 time periods' difference.

Here is the code:

date <- c("2000-01-01","2000-04-01", "2000-07-01",
value <- c(1592,1825,1769,1909,2022,2287,2169,2366,2001,2087,2099,2258)
df <- data.frame(date,value)

Which will produce this data frame:

    date       value
1   2000-01-01  1592
2   2000-04-01  1825
3   2000-07-01  1769
4   2000-10-01  1909
5   2001-01-01  2022
6   2001-04-01  2287
7   2001-07-01  2169
8   2001-10-01  2366
9   2002-01-01  2001
10  2002-04-01  2087
11  2002-07-01  2099
12  2002-10-01  2258
like image 745
Wolf Avatar asked Jun 06 '15 03:06


People also ask

How do you calculate yoy quarterly growth?

To calculate YoY, first take your current year's revenue and subtract the previous year's revenue. This gives you a total change in revenue. Then, take that amount and divide it by last year's total revenue. Take that sum and multiply it by 100 to get your YoY percentage.

What is yoy quarterly growth?

The company's quarterly Year over Year (YoY) Growth is the revenue growth of the current quarter as compared to the same quarter one year ago. Revenue growth is an increase of a company's sales when compared to a previous quarter's YoY revenue performance.

Can CAGR be used for quarters?

CAGR formulan - Number of periods (like years, quarters, months, days, etc.)

How do you calculate yoy growth for 3 years?

Divide the current year's total revenue from last year's total revenue. This gives you the revenue growth rate. For example, if the company earned $300,000 in revenue this year, and earned $275,000 last year, then the growth rate is 1.091. Cube this number to calculate the growth rate three years from now.

1 Answers

Here's an option using the dplyr package:

# Convert date column to date format
df$date = as.POSIXct(df$date)


In the code below, we first group by month, which allows us to operate on each quarter separately. The arrange function just makes sure that the data within each quarter is ordered by date. Then we add the yearOverYear column using mutate which calculates the ratio of the current year to the previous year for each quarter.

df = df %>% group_by(month=month(date)) %>%
  arrange(date) %>%

         date value month yearOverYear
1  2000-01-01  1592     1           NA
2  2001-01-01  2022     1    1.2701005
3  2002-01-01  2001     1    0.9896142
4  2000-04-01  1825     4           NA
5  2001-04-01  2287     4    1.2531507
6  2002-04-01  2087     4    0.9125492
7  2000-07-01  1769     7           NA
8  2001-07-01  2169     7    1.2261164
9  2002-07-01  2099     7    0.9677271
10 2000-10-01  1909    10           NA
11 2001-10-01  2366    10    1.2393924
12 2002-10-01  2258    10    0.9543533  

If you prefer to have the data frame back in overall date order after adding the year-over-year values:

df = df %>% group_by(month=month(date)) %>%
  arrange(date) %>%
  mutate(yearOverYear=value/lag(value,1)) %>%
  ungroup() %>% arrange(date)

Or using data.table

library(data.table) # v1.9.5+
setDT(df)[, .(date, yoy = (value-shift(value))/shift(value)*100), 
            by = month(date)
like image 122
eipi10 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09
