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QtMultimedia module in Ubuntu 12.04LTS



I have some problems with the QtMultimedia module in Ubuntu 12.04. I can't find its development files in /usr/include. Should I install extra packages for this? If yes, what is its name?

Note: I have installed QtSDK from Ubuntu packages, not the SDK provided by Nokia.

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Hesam Qodsi Avatar asked Jul 09 '12 09:07

Hesam Qodsi

1 Answers

I have been having the same problem, which I just solved. It seems that the QtMultimedia module now resides in the QtMobility package. So you need to install QtMobility, which provides QtMultimediaKit :

sudo apt-get install qtmobility-dev

When compiling, you must add the following flags :

-I/usr/include/QtMultimediaKit -I/usr/include/QtMobility
like image 101
Julien Hirel Avatar answered Nov 24 '22 22:11

Julien Hirel