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QTableView Zoom In/Out

I'm trying to create a QTableView that can be zoomed in and out like in Excel.
A similar question was asked here: Zooming function on a QWidget

However, I'm subclassing the QTableView in PyQt and not C so reimplementing the entire PaintEvent method is a bit evolved. The source code for that is a bit complex: https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/tiittane-qt/source/bdd4a9149789f60974603e1f7621d51378f0a108:src/gui/itemviews/qtableview.cpp#L1282

I'm looking to see if there are any other viable options to have a zoom able TableView. My first attempt was by setting the font size then realized each column and row widths would have to scale as well which can become slow. Then realized changing the font would change the print. It didn't seems like an elegant solution. Changing the scale of the painter before painting seems like the more elegant solution but would have to re-implement and translate quite a bit of code to python to do so. I'm wondering if there are any other hooks to get this done.


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TexasRaptor Avatar asked Apr 10 '14 20:04


1 Answers

If you can use QTableWidget instead then you can create a QGraphicsScene and add it to that. Then you easily control the scale of the widget within.

If you want vertical and horizontal headers always visible I think you will have to turn off the table's scrollbars (which would end up zoomed, probably not what you want anyways) and have the scrollbars part of the panel that contains the graphics scene (probably panel would be a QAbstractScrollArea with 4 cells in layout: one cell for scene, one for horiz scrollbar, one for vert scrollbar, and one for the corner maybe empty), and connect them to the table's scroll behavior.

like image 79
Oliver Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 12:11
