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Qt web content with MinGW

In newest Qt versions QtWebKit is no longer supported and was replaced by QtWebEngine which is based on Chromium. And Chromium can't be build with MinGW making QtWebEngine unavailable.

So, is there any way to use web content with Qt when using MinGW for compilation?

like image 958
TPlant Avatar asked Dec 07 '16 14:12


1 Answers

Though not ideal it is possible to still compile and use the older community releases of QtWebKit e.g. http://download.qt.io/community_releases/5.6/5.6.0/qtwebkit-opensource-src-5.6.0.tar.gz works fine with qt5.7

For a more updated webkit https://github.com/annulen/webkit/releases/tag/qtwebkit-tp5 seems to be the best solution for now.

like image 67
Malcolm MacLeod Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 14:09

Malcolm MacLeod