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qt qmake -tp vc to create visual studio project files



I am using QT Creater 1.0.0. and QT 4.5.0 LGPL license.

I want to develop an application in QT that will run on a windows mobile 6.0.

I have created a simple project in QT and I want create the visual project files so that I can compile on window mobile using visual studio and test using the emulator.

I am using Visual Studio 2008 TS and have the windows mobile 6 SDK installed.

However, I have created my project in QT and I browse to where the project is located using QT command prompt.

I am in the root of my project and I type qmake -tp vc I am get this output:

D:\Projects\PDA_Phone\PDA_Phone>qmake -t vc
WARNING: Unable to generate output for: D:/Projects/PDA_Phone/PDA_Phone//Makefile.Debug [TEMPLATE vc]
WARNING: Unable to generate output for: D:/Projects/PDA_Phone/PDA_Phone//Makefile.Release [TEMPLATE vc]

My directory contains the following files:

 Directory of D:\Projects\PDA_Phone\PDA_Phone

06/25/2009  05:37 PM    <DIR>          .
06/25/2009  05:37 PM    <DIR>          ..
06/25/2009  05:18 PM    <DIR>          debug
06/25/2009  05:17 PM               187 main.cpp
06/25/2009  05:17 PM               233 mainwindow.cpp
06/25/2009  05:17 PM               325 mainwindow.h
06/25/2009  05:17 PM             1,626 mainwindow.ui
06/25/2009  05:37 PM             5,242 Makefile
06/25/2009  05:17 PM               307 PDA_Phone.pro
06/25/2009  05:17 PM    <DIR>          qtc-gdbmacros
06/25/2009  05:17 PM    <DIR>          release
06/25/2009  05:17 PM             3,146 ui_mainwindow.h
               7 File(s)         11,066 bytes
               5 Dir(s)  10,922,962,944 bytes free

Can anyone tell me if I am doing anything wrong with the above. I am totally new at using QT.

Many thanks for any advice,

like image 368
ant2009 Avatar asked Jun 25 '09 11:06


People also ask

Can I use Qt with Visual Studio?

In Microsoft Visual Studio, select Extensions > Manage Extensions > Online, and search for Qt Visual Studio Tools to install or update Qt VS Tools.

What does run qmake do?

The behavior of qmake can be customized when it is run by specifying various options on the command line. These allow the build process to be fine-tuned, provide useful diagnostic information, and can be used to specify the target platform for your project.

1 Answers

Are you sure you're using qmake -tp vc? You mentioned it twice, but your output above shows you're using qmake -t vc. (note the -t instead of -tp)

You either need to use:

qmake -tp vc


qmake -t vcapp

It could also be a bad QMAKESPEC environment variable.

Try this:

set QMAKESPEC=win32-msvc2008
qmake -tp vc
like image 200
Gerald Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 15:10
