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Qt global style sheet loading?

How can I load a style sheet (.qss style resource) globally with Qt?

I am trying to make things a bit more efficient than:

middleIntText -> setStyleSheet("QLineEdit {  border: 1px solid gray;
                                border-radius: 5px;padding: 0 8px;

I thought the following would work at loading QLineEdit the one time for all QLineEdit widgets:

qss file:

QLineEdit {     border: 1px solid gray;
                border-radius: 5px;
                padding: 0 8px;

cpp file:

QApplication a(argc, argv);
QFile stylesheet("formStyle.qss");
QString setSheet = QLatin1String(stylesheet.readAll());

Perhaps this is right and I am doing something else wrong?

like image 286
Brandon Clark Avatar asked Jul 27 '12 05:07

Brandon Clark

2 Answers

You called QStyle * QApplication::setStyle ( const QString & style ) which requests a QStyle object for style from the QStyleFactory.

Instead, you should call void QApplication::setStyleSheet ( const QString & sheet ) which sets the application style sheet.

like image 164
Bill Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 06:10


The above attempt is correct syntax but there are reasons it may not work.

Possible problems:

  1. Source file(.qss) is not being retrieved

  2. Incorrect top widget being chosen to apply cascade.

  3. Syntax of the .qss (CSS) code.

Reason I had to ask my question above is I had two of these three issues. I first had to point to the files correct location and second I had to apply directly to QWidget.

QFile stylesheet("G:/Applications/Projects/ProspectTracker/formStyle.qss");
QString setSheet = QLatin1String(stylesheet.readAll());

@Bill Thank for your assistance. He pointed out that I had posted .setStyle and not .setStyleSheet. The sample code above no longer reflects this but if I didn't change that nothing I did would have worked.

like image 32
Brandon Clark Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 07:10

Brandon Clark