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QT Creator : how to compile changes only

No idea what might have changed in my QT Creator options or project options, but for some reason doing a Build (Ctrl-B) or starting a debugging session (F5) now triggers a complete rebuild of my project, which takes several minutes. I'd like it to build only the changed files (and dependencies) as it has always done before. What did I do wrong? I played with the settings "always build before deploying" and "always deploy before running", but changing these just switches between doing no build at all, or doing a full rebuild. How can I (re)activate a "differential" build ? Thanks!

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Ossan Dust Avatar asked Oct 16 '12 10:10

Ossan Dust

People also ask

Where does Qt Creator store settings?

On Mac OS, the files are located in ~/. config/QtProject and ~/Library/Application Support/QtProject/Qt Creator . On Windows in general, the files are located in %APPDATA%\QtProject and %LOCALAPPDATA%\QtProject .

Does QT need Creator?

You certainly don't have to use QtCreator to write a Qt program. You also don't have to use qmake but you are asking for trouble by not using it. To do anything even remotely interesting in Qt you will inevitably end up subclassing QObject .

1 Answers

If you don't want rebuild project, you can run qmake from qt-creator menu and start build. If you have a good computer, you can write to make -j option, your rebuild time reduce about 3-4 times.

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Ruu Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 21:10
