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QML, create LineSeries at runtime

My goal is to have a QML ChartView with a variable number of LineSeries added to it during runtime. It is unknown how many LineSeries will need to be added until a user selects and loads a file with the data in it.

I tried to create all of the LineSeries inside a Repeater, with no luck. I suspect it's because ChartView doesn't know what to do with a bunch of Item's. It's not possible to have the Repeater create LineSeries directly since a Repeater doesn't work on QObject's:

Repeater {
    model: numberOfColumnsInModel / 2

    delegate: Item {
        LineSeries {
            id: lineSeries
            axisX: xAxis
            axisY: yAxis

            VXYModelMapper {
                id: modelMapper
                model: lineChart.model //Reimplemented QAbstractTableModel
                xColumn: index * 2
                yColumn: index * 2 + 1

            onHovered: {
                console.log("Do something...");

In the examples I see online, each LineSeries is hard-coded--once for each line in the ChartView--and not useful to me.

like image 708
roundtheworld Avatar asked Jan 30 '23 00:01


1 Answers

Use force documentation, Luke. In the example below random count of lines with random count of points are created at starting up:

import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtCharts 2.1

Window {
    id: window1
    title: "Chart test"
    visible: true
    width: 600
    height: 400

    ChartView {
        id: chart
        anchors.fill: parent
        axes: [
                id: xAxis
                min: 1.0
                max: 10.0
                id: yAxis
                min: 0.0
                max: 10.0
        Component.onCompleted: {
            var seriesCount = Math.round(Math.random()* 10);
            for(var i = 0;i < seriesCount;i ++)
                var series = chart.createSeries(ChartView.SeriesTypeLine, "line"+ i, xAxis, yAxis);
                series.pointsVisible = true;
                series.color = Qt.rgba(Math.random(),Math.random(),Math.random(),1);
                series.hovered.connect(function(point, state){ console.log(point); }); // connect onHovered signal to a function
                var pointsCount = Math.round(Math.random()* 20);
                var x = 0.0;
                for(var j = 0;j < pointsCount;j ++)
                    x += (Math.random() * 2.0);
                    var y = (Math.random() * 10.0);
                    series.append(x, y);
like image 88
folibis Avatar answered Feb 03 '23 22:02
