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PyTorch softmax with dim

Which dimension should softmax be applied to ?

This code :

%reset -f

import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
import torch

my_softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)

mu, sigma = 0, 0.1 # mean and standard deviation

train_dataset = []
image = []
image_x = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 24).reshape((3 , 4, 2))

x = torch.tensor(train_dataset).float()

my_softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)

prints following :

tensor([[[[-0.1500,  0.0243],
          [ 0.0226,  0.0772],
          [-0.0180, -0.0278],
          [ 0.0782, -0.0853]],

         [[-0.0134, -0.1139],
          [ 0.0385, -0.1367],
          [-0.0447,  0.1493],
          [-0.0633, -0.2964]],

         [[ 0.0123,  0.0061],
          [ 0.1086, -0.0049],
          [-0.0918, -0.1308],
          [-0.0100,  0.1730]]]])
tensor([[[[ 0.4565,  0.5435],
          [ 0.4864,  0.5136],
          [ 0.5025,  0.4975],
          [ 0.5408,  0.4592]],

         [[ 0.5251,  0.4749],
          [ 0.5437,  0.4563],
          [ 0.4517,  0.5483],
          [ 0.5580,  0.4420]],

         [[ 0.5016,  0.4984],
          [ 0.5284,  0.4716],
          [ 0.5098,  0.4902],
          [ 0.4544,  0.5456]]]])
tensor([[[[ 0.3010,  0.3505],
          [ 0.3220,  0.3665],
          [ 0.3445,  0.3230],
          [ 0.3592,  0.3221]],

         [[ 0.3450,  0.3053],
          [ 0.3271,  0.2959],
          [ 0.3355,  0.3856],
          [ 0.3118,  0.2608]],

         [[ 0.3540,  0.3442],
          [ 0.3509,  0.3376],
          [ 0.3200,  0.2914],
          [ 0.3289,  0.4171]]]])

So first tensor is prior to softmax being applied, second tensor is result of softmax applied to tensor with dim=-1 and third tensor is result of softmax applied to tensor with dim=1 .

For result of first softmax can see corresponding elements sum to 1, for example [ 0.4565, 0.5435] -> 0.4565 + 0.5435 == 1.

What is summing to 1 as result of of second softmax ?

Which dim value should I choose ?

Update : The dimension (3 , 4, 2) corresponds to image dimension where 3 is the RGB value , 4 is the number of horizontal pixels (width) , 2 is the number of vertical pixels (height). This is an image classification problem. I'm using cross entropy loss function. Also, I'm using softmax in final layer in order to back-propagate probabilities.

like image 604
blue-sky Avatar asked Sep 26 '18 08:09


People also ask

What does softmax dim =- 1 mean?

softmax(x, dim=-1) The dim argument is required unless your input tensor is a vector. It specifies the axis along which to apply the softmax activation. Passing in dim=-1 applies softmax to the last dimension. So, after you do this, the elements of the last dimension will sum to 1.

What is the dimension in softmax?

Dimension to use There are two parameters in Softmax: input and dim. All input should have the Softmax operation when dim is specified, and the sum must be equal to 1. A 4d tensor of shape (a1, a2, a3, a4) is transformed into the matrix (a1*a2*a3, a4).

How does softmax work in Pytorch?

Applies the Softmax function to an n-dimensional input Tensor rescaling them so that the elements of the n-dimensional output Tensor lie in the range [0,1] and sum to 1. When the input Tensor is a sparse tensor then the unspecifed values are treated as -inf .

Is Pytorch softmax stable?

unnecessary, pytorch native softmax is numerically stable.

1 Answers

You have a 1x3x4x2 tensor train_dataset. Your softmax function's dim parameter determines across which dimension to perform Softmax operation. First dimension is your batch dimension, second is depth, third is rows and last one is columns. Please look at picture below (sorry for horrible drawing) to understand how softmax is performed when you specify dim as 1. enter image description here

In short, sum of each corresponding entry of your 4x2 matrices are equal to 1.

Update: The question which dimension the softmax should be applied depends on what data your tensor store, and what is your goal.

Update: For image classification task, please see the tutorial on official pytorch website. It covers basics of image classification with pytorch on a real dataset and its a very short tutorial. Although that tutorial does not perform Softmax operation, what you need to do is just use torch.nn.functional.log_softmax on output of last fully connected layer. See MNIST classifier with pytorch for a complete example. It does not matter whether your image is RGB or grayscale after flattening it for fully connected layers (also keep in mind that same code for MNIST example might not work for you, depends on which pytorch version you use).

like image 189
unlut Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 07:10
