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Python's re module - saving state?




One of the biggest annoyances I find in Python is the inability of the re module to save its state without explicitly doing it in a match object. Often, one needs to parse lines and if they comply a certain regex take out values from them by the same regex. I would like to write code like this:

if re.match('foo (\w+) bar (\d+)', line):
  # do stuff with .group(1) and .group(2)
elif re.match('baz whoo_(\d+)', line):
  # do stuff with .group(1)
# etc.

But unfortunately it's impossible to get to the matched object of the previous call to re.match, so this is written like this:

m = re.match('foo (\w+) bar (\d+)', line)
if m:
  # do stuff with m.group(1) and m.group(2)
  m = re.match('baz whoo_(\d+)', line)
  if m:
    # do stuff with m.group(1)

Which is rather less convenient and gets really unwieldy as the list of elifs grows longer.

A hackish solution would be to wrap the re.match and re.search in my own objects that keep state somewhere. Has anyone used this? Are you aware of semi-standard implementations (in large frameworks or something)?

What other workarounds can you recommend? Or perhaps, am I just misusing the module and could achieve my needs in a cleaner way?

Thanks in advance

like image 277
Eli Bendersky Avatar asked Jan 15 '09 15:01

Eli Bendersky

People also ask

What is the re module in Python?

A regular expression (or RE) specifies a set of strings that matches it; the functions in this module let you check if a particular string matches a given regular expression (or if a given regular expression matches a particular string, which comes down to the same thing).

How does RegEx work Python?

Regular Expressions, also known as “regex” or “regexp”, are used to match strings of text such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters. It means that we can match and extract any string pattern from the text with the help of regular expressions.

Does Python have regular expressions?

Regular expressions are widely used in UNIX world. The Python module re provides full support for Perl-like regular expressions in Python. The re module raises the exception re. error if an error occurs while compiling or using a regular expression.

1 Answers

Python 3.8 has now provided us with a neat solution: := (the walrus operator).

It will assign the right-hand value to the left-hand variable, then return the value.

Basically, we can finally fulfill @aaron's wish and simply write:

if m := re.match('foo (\w+) bar (\d+)', line):
  # do stuff with m.group(1) and m.group(2)
elif m := re.match('baz whoo_(\d+)', line):
  # do stuff with m.group(1)
elif ...
like image 52
Nick S Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 11:10

Nick S