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Python3 decorating conditionally?

Is it possible to decorate a function based on a condition?


if she.weight() == duck.weight(): 
def witch():

I'm just wondering if logic could be used (when witch is called?) to figure out whether or not to decorate witch with @burn?

If not, is it possible to create a condition within the decorator to the same effect? (witch being called undecorated.)

like image 971
MadSc13ntist Avatar asked Nov 29 '22 19:11


2 Answers

You can create a 'conditionally' decorator:

>>> def conditionally(dec, cond):
    def resdec(f):
        if not cond:
            return f
        return dec(f)
    return resdec

Usage example follows:

>>> def burn(f):
    def blah(*args, **kwargs):
        print 'hah'
        return f(*args, **kwargs)
    return blah

>>> @conditionally(burn, True)
def witch(): pass
>>> witch()

>>> @conditionally(burn, False)
def witch(): pass
>>> witch()
like image 70
Claudiu Avatar answered Dec 01 '22 09:12


It is possible to enable/disable decorators by reassignment.

def unchanged(func):
    "This decorator doesn't add any behavior"
    return func

def disabled(func):
    "This decorator disables the provided function, and does nothing"
    def empty_func(*args,**kargs):
    return empty_func

# define this as equivalent to unchanged, for nice symmetry with disabled
enabled = unchanged

# Sample use


state = enabled if GLOBAL_ENABLE_FLAG else disabled
def special_function_foo():
    print "function was enabled"
like image 25
MadSc13ntist Avatar answered Dec 01 '22 10:12
