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Python zipfile module: difference between zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED and zipfile.ZIP_STORED




I have difficult to understand the difference between zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED and zipfile.ZIP_STORED compression modes of the zipfile module.

Someone could help me?



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maxim Avatar asked Mar 14 '11 11:03


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What is ZIP file Zip_deflated?

ZIP_STORED. The numeric constant for an uncompressed archive member. zipfile. ZIP_DEFLATED. The numeric constant for the usual ZIP compression method.

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ZIP is an archive file format that supports lossless data compression. A ZIP file may contain one or more files or directories that may have been compressed. The ZIP file format permits a number of compression algorithms, though DEFLATE is the most common.

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with ZipFile(file_name, 'r') as zip: Here, a ZipFile object is made by calling ZipFile constructor which accepts zip file name and mode parameters. We create a ZipFile object in READ mode and name it as zip.

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1 Answers

ZIP_DEFLATED correspond to an archive member (a file inside the archive) which is compressed (or deflated). ZIP_STORED correspond to an archive member which is simply stored, without being compressed, quite the same as an archive member inside a tar file.

like image 93
Adrien Plisson Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10

Adrien Plisson