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Python XML Parsing [duplicate]

*Note: lxml will not run on my system. I was hoping to find a solution that does not involve lxml.

I have gone through some of the documentation around here already, and am having difficulties getting this to work how I would like to. I would like to parse some XML file that looks like this:

        <key>Key 1</key><integer>1375</integer>
        <key>Key 2</key><string>Some String</string>
        <key>Key 3</key><string>Another string</string>
        <key>Key 4</key><string>Yet another string</string>
        <key>Key 5</key><string>Strings anyone?</string>

In the file I am trying to manipulate, there are more 'dict' that follow this one. I would like to read through the XML and output a text/dat file that would look like this:

1375, "Some String", "Another String", "Yet another string", "Strings anyone?"



** Originally, I tried to use lxml, but after many tries to get it working on my system, I moved on to using DOM. More recently, I tried using Etree to do this task. Please, for the love of all that is good, would somebody help me along with this? I am relatively new to Python and would like to learn how this works. I thank you in advance.

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PleaseHelpTheNewGuy Avatar asked Oct 29 '11 15:10


1 Answers

You can use xml.etree.ElementTree which is included with Python. There is an included companion C-implemented (i.e. much faster) xml.etree.cElementTree. lxml.etree offers a superset of the functionality but it's not needed for what you want to do.

The code provided by @Acorn works identically for me (Python 2.7, Windows 7) with each of the following imports:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
import xml.etree.cElementTree as et
import lxml.etree as et
tree = et.fromstring(xmltext)

What OS are you using and what installation problems have you had with lxml?

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John Machin Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 10:09

John Machin