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Python version of Matlab Signal Toolbox's tfestimate()? [closed]

Is there a Python version of Matlab's tfestimate()? I have looked into the control toolbox but it only offers linear transfer functions.

like image 312
The Guy Avatar asked Feb 11 '15 18:02

The Guy

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How to calculate the transfer function in tfestimate?

10 As shown in the 'more about' section of the help of tfestimate, the transfer function is calculated more or less as Txy = Pyx / Pxx, so by dividing the cross-spectral-density between yand xby the power-spectral-density of x.

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1 Answers

As shown in the 'more about' section of the help of tfestimate, the transfer function is calculated more or less as Txy = Pyx / Pxx, so by dividing the cross-spectral-density between y and x by the power-spectral-density of x. Note that for calculating the cross-spectral density, the order of the arguments is important, since Pyx is calculated (after appropriate windowing and normalization) as the average of fft(y) * conj(fft(x)) over the individual windows. Similarly, the PSD Pxx is calculated as averaging fft(x) * conj(fft(x)). I forgot exactly why, but there is a good reason why you calculate it as the ratio between these two averages, instead of directly averaging fft(y) / fft(x).

Both cpsd and psd are available in matplotlib.mlab, so you can calculate a transfer function more or less like this (untested):

from matplotlib.mlab import psd, csd

def tfe(x, y, *args, **kwargs):
   """estimate transfer function from x to y, see csd for calling convention"""
   return csd(y, x, *args, **kwargs) / psd(x, *args, **kwargs)
like image 78
Bas Swinckels Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Bas Swinckels