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Python: 'ValueError: can only convert an array of size 1 to a Python scalar' when looping over rows in pd.DataFrame

I would like to loop over the rows of a DataFrame, in my case to calculate strength ratings for a number of sports teams.

The DataFrame columns 'home_elo' and 'away_elo' contain the pre-match strength rating (ELO score) of the teams involved and are updated in the row of the next home / away match after the match (each team has two strength ratings at any point in time, for home and away games), with what update_elo(a,b,c) returns.

The respective code snippet looks as follows:

for index in df.index:

    counter = counter + 1
    # Calculation of post-match ELO scores for home and away teams
    if df.at[index,'updated'] == 2: # Update next match ELO scores if not yet updated but pre-match ELO scores available

            all_home_fixtures = df.date_rank[df['localteam_id'] == df.at[index,'localteam_id']]
            next_home_fixture = all_home_fixtures[all_home_fixtures > df.at[index,'date_rank']].min()
            next_home_index = df[(df['date_rank'] == next_home_fixture) & (df['localteam_id'] == df.at[index,'localteam_id'])].index.item()
        except ValueError:
            print('ERROR 1 at' + str(index))
            df.at[index,'updated'] = 4

            all_away_fixtures = df.date_rank[df['visitorteam_id'] == df.at[index,'visitorteam_id']]
            next_away_fixture = all_away_fixtures[all_away_fixtures > df.at[index,'date_rank']].min()
            next_away_index = df[(df['date_rank'] == next_away_fixture) & (df['visitorteam_id'] == df.at[index,'visitorteam_id'])].index.item()
        except ValueError:
            print('ERROR 2 at' + str(index))
            df.at[index,'updated'] = 4

        # print('Current: ' + str(df.at[index,'fixture_id']) + '; Followed by: ' + str(next_home_fixture))
        # print('Current date rank: ' + str(df.at[index,'date']) + ' ' + str(df.at[index,'date_rank']) + '; Next home date rank: ' + str(df.at[next_home_index,'date_rank']) + '; Next away date rank: ' + str(df.at[next_away_index,'date_rank']))

        df.at[next_home_index, 'home_elo'] = update_elo(df.at[index,'home_elo'],df.at[index,'away_elo'],df.at[index,'actual_score'])
        df.at[next_away_index, 'away_elo'] = update_elo(df.at[index,'away_elo'],df.at[index,'home_elo'],1 - df.at[index,'actual_score']) # Swap function inputs for away team

        df.at[next_home_index, 'updated'] = df.at[next_home_index, 'updated'] + 1
        df.at[next_away_index, 'updated'] = df.at[next_away_index, 'updated'] + 1

        df.at[index,'updated'] = 3

The code works fine for the first couple of rows. I then, however, encounter errors, always for the same rows, even though I cannot see how the rows would differ from others.

  1. If I do not handle the ValueError as shown above, I receive the error message ValueError: can only convert an array of size 1 to a Python scalar for the first time after about 250 rows.
  2. If I do handle the ValueError as shown above, I capture four such errors, two for each of the error-handling blocks (the code works fine otherwise), but the code stops updating any further strength ratings after about 18% of all rows, without throwing any error message.

I would very much appreciate it if you could help me (a) understand what causes the error and (b) how to handle them.

Since this is my first post on StackOverflow, I am not yet fully aware of the common posting practices of the forum. Please let me know if there is anything I can improve about my post.

Thank you very much!

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parno Avatar asked Jul 24 '18 14:07


People also ask

Can you only convert array of size 1 to scalar in Python?

Only Size 1 Arrays Can Be Converted To Python Scalars Error is a typical error that appears as a TypeError form in the terminal. This error's main cause is passing an array to a parameter that accepts a scalar value. In various numpy methods, acceptable parameters are only a scalar value.

What does it mean only size 1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars?

What does "Typeerror: Only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars" signify? You are likely to face the above typeerror while working with NumPy and matplotlib. pyplot. This error arises when you pass an array into a function that is expecting a single value (i.e., scalar value).

2 Answers


You will get similar error if you are applying .item to a numpy array.

You can solve it with .tolist() in that case.

like image 110
Wei Chen Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 03:10

Wei Chen

pd.Series.item requires at least one item in the Series to return a scalar. If:

df[(df['date_rank'] == next_home_fixture) & (df['localteam_id'] == df.at[index,'localteam_id'])]

is a Series with length 0, then the .index.item() will throw a ValueError.

like image 23
sundance Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 03:10
