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python: unicode in Windows terminal, encoding used?

I am using the Python interpreter in Windows 7 terminal.
I am trying to wrap my head around unicode and encodings.

I type:

>>> s='ë'
>>> s
>>> u=u'ë'
>>> u

Question 1: Why is the encoding used in the string s different from the one used in the unicode string u?

I continue, and type:

>>> us=unicode(s)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x89 in position 0: ordinal
not in range(128)
>>> us=unicode(s, 'latin-1')
>>> us

Question2: I tried using the latin-1 encoding on good luck to turn the string into an unicode string (actually, I tried a bunch of other ones first, including utf-8). How can I find out which encoding the terminal has used to encode my string?

Question 3: how can I make the terminal print ë as ë instead of '\x89' or u'xeb'? Hmm, stupid me. print(s) does the job.

I already looked at this related SO question, but no clues from there: Set Python terminal encoding on Windows

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Rabarberski Avatar asked Jun 14 '11 14:06


4 Answers

Unicode is not an encoding. You encode into byte strings and decode into Unicode:

>>> '\x89'.decode('cp437')
>>> u'\xeb'.encode('cp437')
>>> u'\xeb'.encode('utf8')

The windows terminal uses legacy code pages for DOS. For US Windows it is:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.stdout.encoding

Windows applications use windows code pages. Python's IDLE will show the windows encoding:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.stdout.encoding

Your results may vary.

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Mark Tolonen Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 02:10

Mark Tolonen

Avoid Windows Terminal

I'm not going out on a limb by saying the 'terminal' more appropriately the 'DOS prompt' that ships with Windows 7 is absolute junk. It was bad in Windows 95, NT, XP, Vista, and 7. Maybe they fixed it with Powershell, I don't know. However, it is indicative of the kind of problems that were plaguing OS development at Microsoft at the time.

Output to a file instead

Set the PYTHONIOENCODING environment variable and then redirect the output to a file.


./myscript.py > output.txt

Then using Notepad++ you can then see the UTF-8 version of your output.

Install win-unicode-console

win-unicode-console can fix your problems. You should try it out

pip install win-unicode-console

If you are interested in a through discussion on the issue of python and command-line output check out Python issue 1602. Otherwise, just use the win-unicode-console package.

py -m run script.py

Runs it per script or you can follow their directions to add win_unicode_console.enable() to every invocation by adding it to usercustomize or sitecustomize.

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Cameron Lowell Palmer Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10

Cameron Lowell Palmer

In case others get this page when searching Easiest way is to set the codepage in the terminal first

CHCP 65001

then run your program.

working well for me. For power shell start it with

powershell.exe -NoExit /c "chcp.com 65001"

Its from python: unicode in Windows terminal, encoding used?

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lxx Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 02:10


Read through this python HOWTO about unicode after you read this section from the tutorial

Creating Unicode strings in Python is just as simple as creating normal strings:

>>> u'Hello World !'
u'Hello World !'

To answer your first question, they are different because only when using u''are you creating a unicode string.

2nd question:


returns the default encoding

But to quote from link:

Python users who are new to Unicode sometimes are attracted by default encoding returned by sys.getdefaultencoding(). The first thing you should know about default encoding is that you don't need to care about it. Its value should be 'ascii' and it is used when converting byte strings StrIsNotAString to unicode strings.

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Fredrik Pihl Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 02:10

Fredrik Pihl