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Python tkinter label orientation

Is there any way to make the tkinter label widget vertical? Something like this

sample label

or is it just simply impossible? I have already look around and can't seems to find how to do it.By the way, i have tried orient='vertical' but label widget doesn't seems to support it.

like image 846
Chris Aung Avatar asked Jul 15 '13 08:07

Chris Aung

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Tkinter Label widget can be aligned using the anchor attributes. In order to calculate the accommodate spacing and alignment of the widget, anchor would help in a better way. Anchor provides several options such as N, W, S, E, NW, NE. SW, SE which can be defined in the pack manager itself.

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relx, rely − Horizontal and vertical offset as a float between 0.0 and 1.0, as a fraction of the height and width of the parent widget. x, y − Horizontal and vertical offset in pixels.

1 Answers

You can achieve vertical display, without the text rotation, by using the wraplength option which set to 1 will force the next char into a new line:

 Label( master_frame,  text="Vertical Label", wraplength=1 ).grid( row=0, column=0 )
like image 113
Omar Marquez Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Omar Marquez