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Python Threading inside a class

I recently started with python's threading module. After some trial and error I managed to get basic threading working using the following sample code given in most tutorials.

class SomeThread(threading.Thread):     def __init__(self, count):         threading.Thread.__init__(self)      def run(self):         print "Do something" 

My problem is: I have a Class that has class variables and a function that I want to be run in a separate thread. However the function uses class variables and also writes to class variables. Like so:

class MyClass:     somevar = 'someval'      def func_to_be_threaded(self):         # Uses other class functions         # Do something with class variables 

So how would I essentially 'put the thread class in MyClass'. So that if MyClass().func_to_threaded() is called it would run in a thread.

like image 458
Niels Avatar asked Nov 07 '13 20:11


People also ask

How do you start a thread class in Python?

We defined a function to create a thread. Then we used the threading module to create a thread that invoked the function as its target. Then we used start() method to start the Python thread.

Is it possible to design thread in Python program?

Threading speeds up program execution by allowing us to run parts of a program concurrently. So threading is a way that we can execute multiple pieces of code at the same time. There are two ways of creating threads in Python and those are; using a class or using a function.

How do you extend a thread in Python?

Thread class can be extended to run code in another thread. This can be achieved by first extending the class, just like any other Python class. Then the run() function of the threading. Thread class must be overridden to contain the code that you wish to execute in another thread.

1 Answers

If I understand correctly you want to run a function in a separate thread? There are several ways to do that. But basically you wrap your function like this:

class MyClass:     somevar = 'someval'      def _func_to_be_threaded(self):         # main body      def func_to_be_threaded(self):         threading.Thread(target=self._func_to_be_threaded).start() 

It can be shortened with a decorator:

def threaded(fn):     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):         threading.Thread(target=fn, args=args, kwargs=kwargs).start()     return wrapper  class MyClass:     somevar = 'someval'      @threaded     def func_to_be_threaded(self):         # main body 

Edit Updated version with a handle:

def threaded(fn):     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):         thread = threading.Thread(target=fn, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)         thread.start()         return thread     return wrapper  class MyClass:     somevar = 'someval'      @threaded     def func_to_be_threaded(self):         print 'xyz' 

This can be used as follows:

>>> my_obj = MyClass() >>> handle = my_obj.func_to_be_threaded() >>> handle.join() 

Now it is possible to extend it even more if you wish to return a value from the function. Consider this:

from threading import Thread from concurrent.futures import Future  def call_with_future(fn, future, args, kwargs):     try:         result = fn(*args, **kwargs)         future.set_result(result)     except Exception as exc:         future.set_exception(exc)  def threaded(fn):     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):         future = Future()         Thread(target=call_with_future, args=(fn, future, args, kwargs)).start()         return future     return wrapper   class MyClass:     @threaded     def get_my_value(self):         return 1  >>> my_obj = MyClass() >>> fut = my_obj.get_my_value()  # this will run in a separate thread >>> fut.result()  # will block until result is computed 1 

If you don't have concurrent.futures.Future class (because for example you are using Python2.7 or older) then you can use this simplified implementation:

from threading import Event  class Future(object):     def __init__(self):         self._ev = Event()      def set_result(self, result):         self._result = result         self._ev.set()      def set_exception(self, exc):         self._exc = exc         self._ev.set()      def result(self):         self._ev.wait()         if hasattr(self, '_exc'):             raise self._exc         return self._result 

I advice reading through concurrent.futures module since it has a lot of neat tools. For example Thread class should be replaced with a ThreadPoolExecutor instance to limit concurrency (e.g. you don't want to spam 10k threads). Also with ThreadPoolExecutor the code is even simplier (and less error prone):

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor  tp = ThreadPoolExecutor(10)  # max 10 threads  def threaded(fn):     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):         return tp.submit(fn, *args, **kwargs)  # returns Future object     return wrapper 

Just remember you have to tp.shutdown() after you're done with all parallel work.

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freakish Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 10:09
