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python - Sum of digits in 2^1000? [duplicate]



This is my code in python but the answer it gives is not correct according to projecteuler.net.

a = 2**1000
total = 0
while a >= 1:
    temp = a % 10
    total = total + temp
    a = int(a/10)

It gives an output 1189. Am I making some mistake?

like image 869
Riptide Avatar asked Jul 15 '18 06:07


People also ask

What is the sum of the digits of the number 2 1000 in Python?

215 = 32768 and the sum of its digits is 3 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 8 = 26.

How do you double every second digit in Python?

i % 2 returns 0 when i is even. 0 == 0 returns True . Since the range starts with an odd number, this satisfies the "double the value of every second digit" requirement.

1 Answers

Your logic is fine. The problem is that 2 ** 1000 is too big for all the digits to fit into a float, so the number gets rounded when you do a = int(a/10). A Python float only has 53 bits of precision, you can read about it in the official tutorial article: Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations, and on Wikipedia: Double-precision floating-point format. Also see Is floating point math broken?.

This is 2 ** 1000


But print(format(2**1000 / 10, 'f')) gives us this:


You can see that the digits start going wrong after 10715086071862673.

So you need to use integer arithmetic, which in Python has arbitrary precision (only limited by how much memory Python can access). To do that, use the // floor division operator.

a = 2**1000
total = 0
while a >= 1:
    temp = a % 10
    total = total + temp
    a = a // 10



We can condense that code a little by using augmented assignment operators.

a = 2**1000
total = 0
while a:
    total += a % 10
    a //= 10

Here's a faster way. Convert a to a string then convert each digit back to int and sum them. I use bit shifting to compute a because it's faster than exponentiation.

print(sum(int(u) for u in str(1 << 1000)))
like image 87
PM 2Ring Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09

PM 2Ring