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python save plotly plot to local file and insert into html




I am using python and plotly to product interactive html report. This post gives a nice framework.

If I produce the plot(via plotly) online, and insert the url into the html file, it works but refreshing the charts takes a long time. I wonder if I could produce the chart offline and have it embedded in the html report, so that loading speed is not a problem.

I find plot offline would generate a html for the chart, but I don't know how to embed it in another html. Anyone could help?

like image 687
cone001 Avatar asked Mar 28 '16 12:03


People also ask

How do you insert a plotly graph in HTML?

To share a plot from the Chart Studio Workspace, click 'Share' button on the left-hand side after saving the plot. The Share modal will pop-up and display a link under the 'Embed' tab. You can then copy and paste this link to your website. You have the option of embedding your plot as an HTML snippet or iframe.

How do I save a plotly graph?

jpeg version, visit your Viewplot and click on the blue 'Export' at the top right-hand side of your plot and select it in the popup menu. Choose the size as displayed, or the custom size of your chart. Click on DOWNLOAD to save it onto your computer.

1 Answers

There is a better alternative as of right now, that is to do offline plotting into a div, rather than a full html. This solution does not involve any hacks.

If you call:

plotly.offline.plot(data, filename='file.html') 

It creates a file named file.html and opens it up in your web browser. However, if you do:

plotly.offline.plot(data, include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div') 

the call will return a string with only the div required to create the data, for example:

<div id="82072c0d-ba8d-4e86-b000-0892be065ca8" style="height: 100%; width: 100%;" class="plotly-graph-div"></div> <script type="text/javascript">window.PLOTLYENV=window.PLOTLYENV || {};window.PLOTLYENV.BASE_URL="https://plot.ly";Plotly.newPlot("82072c0d-ba8d-4e86-b000-0892be065ca8",  [{"y": ..bunch of data..., "x": ..lots of data.., {"showlegend": true, "title": "the title", "xaxis": {"zeroline": true, "showline": true},  "yaxis": {"zeroline": true, "showline": true, "range": [0, 22.63852380952382]}}, {"linkText": "Export to plot.ly", "showLink": true})</script> 

Notice how its just a tiny portion of an html that you are supposed to embed in a bigger page. For that I use a standard template engine like Jinga2.

With this you can create one html page with several charts arranged the way you want, and even return it as a server response to an ajax call, pretty sweet.


Remember that you'll need to include the plotly js file for all these charts to work.

You could include

<script src="https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js"></script>  

just before putting the div you got. If you put this js at the bottom of the page, the charts won't work.

like image 58
Fermin Silva Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09

Fermin Silva