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python running coverage on never ending process

I have a multi processed web server with processes that never end, I would like to check my code coverage on the whole project in a live environment (not only from tests).

The problem is, that since the processes never end, I don't have a good place to set the cov.start() cov.stop() cov.save() hooks.

Therefore, I thought about spawning a thread that in an infinite loop will save and combine the coverage data and then sleep some time, however this approach doesn't work, the coverage report seems to be empty, except from the sleep line.

I would be happy to receive any ideas about how to get the coverage of my code, or any advice about why my idea doesn't work. Here is a snippet of my code:

import coverage
cov = coverage.Coverage()
import time
import threading
import os

class CoverageThread(threading.Thread):
    _kill_now = False
    _sleep_time = 2

def exit_gracefully(cls):
    cls._kill_now = True

def sleep_some_time(self):

def run(self):
    while True:
        if os.path.exists('.coverage'):
        if self._kill_now:
    if os.path.exists('.coverage'):
    print "End of the program. I was killed gracefully :)"
like image 492
Maxim Dunavicher Avatar asked Sep 14 '16 08:09

Maxim Dunavicher

3 Answers

Apparently, it is not possible to control coverage very well with multiple Threads. Once different thread are started, stopping the Coverage object will stop all coverage and start will only restart it in the "starting" Thread. So your code basically stops the coverage after 2 seconds for all Thread other than the CoverageThread.

I played a bit with the API and it is possible to access the measurments without stopping the Coverage object. So you could launch a thread that save the coverage data periodically, using the API. A first implementation would be something like in this

import threading
from time import sleep
from coverage import Coverage
from coverage.data import CoverageData, CoverageDataFiles
from coverage.files import abs_file

cov = Coverage(config_file=True)

def get_data_dict(d):
    """Return a dict like d, but with keys modified by `abs_file` and
    remove the copied elements from d.
    res = {}
    keys = list(d.keys())
    for k in keys:
        a = {}
        lines = list(d[k].keys())
        for l in lines:
            v = d[k].pop(l)
            a[l] = v
        res[abs_file(k)] = a
    return res

class CoverageLoggerThread(threading.Thread):
    _kill_now = False
    _delay = 2

    def __init__(self, main=True):
        self.main = main
        self._data = CoverageData()
        self._fname = cov.config.data_file
        self._suffix = None
        self._data_files = CoverageDataFiles(basename=self._fname,
        self._pid = os.getpid()
        super(CoverageLoggerThread, self).__init__()

    def shutdown(self):
        self._kill_now = True

    def combine(self):
        aliases = None
        if cov.config.paths:
            from coverage.aliases import PathAliases
            aliases = PathAliases()
            for paths in self.config.paths.values():
                result = paths[0]
                for pattern in paths[1:]:
                    aliases.add(pattern, result)

        self._data_files.combine_parallel_data(self._data, aliases=aliases)

    def export(self, new=True):
        cov_report = cov
        if new:
            cov_report = Coverage(config_file=True)

    def _collect_and_export(self):
        new_data = get_data_dict(cov.collector.data)
        if cov.collector.branch:
        self._data_files.write(self._data, self._suffix)

        if self.main:

    def run(self):
        while True:
            if self._kill_now:



        if not self.main:

        print("End of the program. I was killed gracefully :)")

A more stable version can be found in this GIST. This code basically grab the info collected by the collector without stopping it. The get_data_dict function take the dictionary in the Coverage.collector and pop the available data. This should be safe enough so you don't lose any measurement.
The report files get updated every _delay seconds.

But if you have multiple process running, you need to add extra efforts to make sure all the process run the CoverageLoggerThread. This is the patch_multiprocessing function, monkey patched from the coverage monkey patch...
The code is in the GIST. It basically replaces the original Process with a custom process, which start the CoverageLoggerThread just before running the run method and join the thread at the end of the process. The script main.py permits to launch different tests with threads and processes.

There is 2/3 drawbacks to this code that you need to be carefull of:

  • It is a bad idea to use the combine function concurrently as it performs comcurrent read/write/delete access to the .coverage.* files. This means that the function export is not super safe. It should be alright as the data is replicated multiple time but I would do some testing before using it in production.

  • Once the data have been exported, it stays in memory. So if the code base is huge, it could eat some ressources. It is possible to dump all the data and reload it but I assumed that if you want to log every 2 seconds, you do not want to reload all the data every time. If you go with a delay in minutes, I would create a new _data every time, using CoverageData.read_file to reload previous state of the coverage for this process.

  • The custom process will wait for _delay before finishing as we join the CoverageThreadLogger at the end of the process so if you have a lot of quick processes, you want to increase the granularity of the sleep to be able to detect the end of the Process more quickly. It just need a custom sleep loop that break on _kill_now.

Let me know if this help you in some way or if it is possible to improve this gist.

EDIT: It seems you do not need to monkey patch the multiprocessing module to start automatically a logger. Using the .pth in your python install you can use a environment variable to start automatically your logger on new processes:

# Content of coverage.pth in your site-package folder
import os
if "COVERAGE_LOGGER_START" in os.environ:
    import atexit
    from coverage_logger import CoverageLoggerThread
    thread_cov = CoverageLoggerThread(main=False)
    def close_cov()

You can then start your coverage logger with COVERAGE_LOGGER_START=1 python main.y

like image 69
Thomas Moreau Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10

Thomas Moreau

Since you are willing to run your code differently for the test, why not add a way to end the process for the test? That seems like it will be simpler than trying to hack coverage.

like image 26
Ned Batchelder Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10

Ned Batchelder

You can use pyrasite directly, with the following two programs.

# start.py
import sys
import coverage

sys.cov = cov = coverage.coverage()

And this one

# stop.py
import sys


Another way to go would be to trace the program using lptrace even if it only prints calls it can be useful.

like image 1
amirouche Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10
