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Python requests CA certificates as a string

Currently we're using an approach of putting CA Certificates on the server to access third party APIs.

certificate_path = os.path.join(CERT_PATH, 'cacert.pem')
certificate_key_path = os.path.join(CERT_PATH, 'cacert.key')
response = requests.get(url, cert=(certificate_path, certificate_key_path))

This works,But we're looking for instead of storing CA certificates on the server, store in the Accounts Table in the database for security purposes (security cause raised by Customer).

So the questions are:

  • Is there any approach we can directly pass CA cert's string to the requests directly (other than writing content in to a temp file)?

  • Is any other http python module support passing CA cert's string in the http get/post request?

  • Is there any other approach we should use instead of storing them in the database and on the server?

like image 938
Laxmikant Ratnaparkhi Avatar asked Jul 31 '17 08:07

Laxmikant Ratnaparkhi

1 Answers

The example you have provided is passing a client-side cert as shown in the requests documentation.

As it stands there is no way to pass the client cert and key in memory (or as a string).

Monkey patching to the rescue - by monkey patching requests you can add the ability to load client certs and keys from memory. The following patch enables passing in a client cert and key in a variety formats without breaking the existing functionality.

import requests
from OpenSSL.crypto import PKCS12, X509, PKey

def _is_key_file_encrypted(keyfile):
    '''In memory key is not encrypted'''
    if isinstance(keyfile, PKey):
        return False
    return _is_key_file_encrypted.original(keyfile)

class PyOpenSSLContext(requests.packages.urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.PyOpenSSLContext):
    '''Support loading certs from memory'''
    def load_cert_chain(self, certfile, keyfile=None, password=None):
        if isinstance(certfile, X509) and isinstance(keyfile, PKey):
            super().load_cert_chain(certfile, keyfile=keyfile, password=password)

class HTTPAdapter(requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter):
    '''Handle a variety of cert types'''
    def cert_verify(self, conn, url, verify, cert):
        if cert:
            # PKCS12
            if isinstance(cert, PKCS12):
                conn.cert_file = cert.get_certificate()
                conn.key_file = cert.get_privatekey()
                cert = None
            elif isinstance(cert, tuple) and len(cert) == 2:
                # X509 and PKey
                if isinstance(cert[0], X509) and hasattr(cert[1], PKey):
                    conn.cert_file = cert[0]
                    conn.key_file = cert[1]
                    cert = None
                # cryptography objects
                elif hasattr(cert[0], 'public_bytes') and hasattr(cert[1], 'private_bytes'):
                    conn.cert_file = X509.from_cryptography(cert[0])
                    conn.key_file = PKey.from_cryptography_key(cert[1])
                    cert = None
        super().cert_verify(conn, url, verify, cert)

def patch_requests(adapter=True):
    '''You can perform a full patch and use requests as usual:

    >>> patch_requests()
    >>> requests.get('https://httpbin.org/get')

    or use the adapter explicitly:

    >>> patch_requests(adapter=False)
    >>> session = requests.Session()
    >>> session.mount('https', HTTPAdapter())
    >>> session.get('https://httpbin.org/get')
    if hasattr(requests.packages.urllib3.util.ssl_, '_is_key_file_encrypted'):
        _is_key_file_encrypted.original = requests.packages.urllib3.util.ssl_._is_key_file_encrypted
        requests.packages.urllib3.util.ssl_._is_key_file_encrypted = _is_key_file_encrypted
    requests.packages.urllib3.util.ssl_.SSLContext = PyOpenSSLContext
    if adapter:
        requests.sessions.HTTPAdapter = HTTPAdapter

To use the patch you can do something like the following (assume the above code is in a file called patch.py)

import os
import requests
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from patch import patch_requests

CLIENT_CERT = serialization.load_pem_x509_certificate(
    os.getenv('CLIENT_CERT'), default_backend())
CLIENT_KEY = serialization.load_pem_private_key(
    os.getenv('CLIENT_KEY'), None, default_backend())

# monkey patch load_cert_chain to allow loading
# cryptography certs and keys from memory

response = requests.get(url, cert=(CLIENT_CERT, CLIENT_KEY))

You now have the ability to supply a client cert to requests in memory in as pyopenssl object(s) or cryptography objects.

like image 123
greenbender Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 21:10
