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python, pyspark : get sum of a pyspark dataframe column values

say I have a dataframe like this

name age city
abc   20  A
def   30  B

i want to add a summary row at the end of the dataframe, so result will be like

name age city
abc   20  A
def   30  B
All   50  All

So String 'All', I can easily put, but how to get sum(df['age']) ###column object is not iterable

data = spark.createDataFrame([("abc", 20, "A"), ("def", 30, "B")],["name", "age", "city"])
 #|-- name: string (nullable = true)
 #|-- age: long (nullable = true)
 #|-- city: string (nullable = true)
res = data.union(spark.createDataFrame([('All',sum(data['age']),'All')], data.columns))  ## TypeError: Column is not iterable
#Even tried with data['age'].sum() and got error.   If i am using [('All',50,'All')], it is doing fine. 

I usually work on Pandas dataframe and new to Spark. Might be my undestanding about spark dataframe is not that matured.

Please suggest, how to get the sum over a dataframe-column in pyspark. And if there is any better way to add/append a row to end of a dataframe. Thanks.

like image 355
Satya Avatar asked Dec 01 '22 16:12


1 Answers

Spark SQL has a dedicated module for column functions pyspark.sql.functions.
So the way it works is:

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
data = spark.createDataFrame([("abc", 20, "A"), ("def", 30, "B")],["name", "age", "city"])

res = data.unionAll(
        F.lit('All').alias('name'), # create a cloumn named 'name' and filled with 'All'
        F.sum(data.age).alias('age'), # get the sum of 'age'
        F.lit('All').alias('city') # create a column named 'city' and filled with 'All'


| abc| 20|   A|
| def| 30|   B|
| All| 50| All|
like image 151
swenzel Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 11:12
