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python + pymongo: how to insert a new field on an existing document in mongo from a for loop


I'm using a for loop in python to loop over the result of a query with pymongo. Here is the code:

from pymongo import MongoClient connection = MongoClient() db = connection.Test  myDocs = db.Docs.find( { "geolocCountry" : { "$exists" : False } } )  for b in myDrives:     my_lat = b['TheGpsLog'][0]['latitude']     my_long = b['TheGpsLog'][0]['longitude']      myGeolocCountry = DoReverseGeocode(lat_start,long_start)      #    Here I perform a reverse geocoding, it does not matter for this example.      #    The important thing is: it returns a string, like 'US', 'UK', etc... 

The question I have is, how can I insert the variable myGeolocCountry into the non existing field geolocCountry on the existing document (b)?

I tried with

b['geolocCountry'] = myGeolocCountry 

but it didn't work at all, it does not even produce an error.


like image 631
otmezger Avatar asked Mar 27 '13 18:03


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To insert a record, or document as it is called in MongoDB, into a collection, we use the insert_one() method. The first parameter of the insert_one() method is a dictionary containing the name(s) and value(s) of each field in the document you want to insert.

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So, Adding a new field to an array is possible by using the update operation. $push operator is used to insert the field inside the array and if we want to add multiple fields, use $each inside $push.

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You can update a record, or document as it is called in MongoDB, by using the update_one() method. The first parameter of the update_one() method is a query object defining which document to update. Note: If the query finds more than one record, only the first occurrence is updated.

2 Answers

You should execute an update query like this:

db.Doc.update({"_id": b["_id"]}, {"$set": {"geolocCountry": myGeolocCountry}}) 
like image 189
MostafaR Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09


For pymongo > 3

db.Doc.update_one({"_id": b["_id"]}, {"$set": {"geolocCountry": myGeolocCountry}}) 

In case of multiple updates:

db.Doc.update_many({"geolocCountry": {"$exists": False}}, {"$set": {"geolocCountry": myGeolocCountry}}) 

For pymongo < 3

above/previous answers are correct

db.Doc.update({"_id": b["_id"]}, {"$set": {"geolocCountry": myGeolocCountry}}) 

In case of multiple updates:

db.Doc.update({"geolocCountry": {"$exists": False}}, {"$set": {"geolocCountry": myGeolocCountry}}) 
like image 42
ToxicMender Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09
