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python parent class 'wrapping' child-class methods

I have the following situation in my python code:

class Parent(object):
    def run(self):
        print "preparing for run"
        print "run done"

class Child(Parent):
    def runImpl(self):
        print "child running"

However, I have cases with several generations of such 'decorators', doing different setup/teardown steps before and after 'runImpl', and currently I am forced to define run(), runImpl() and runImplSingleProcess() in my classes Parent, Child and ChildSingleProcess.

I am looking for a solution of the following form:

class Parent(object):
    def run(self, func_impl, *args, **kwargs)
        print "preparing for run"
        func_impl(*args, **kwargs)
        print "run done"

class Child(Parent):
    def run(self):
        print "child running"

In this way, there is almost no need for Child class to be aware of this going on.

There may also be an issue with multiple inheritance. If a Child inherits from Parent1 and Parent2, I honestly don't know what should be the correct behavior.

Does anyone know a good, natural, way of accomplishing this? or am I raping the design here?


like image 750
Yonatan Avatar asked Jan 14 '10 15:01


People also ask

Can parent class use child class methods?

It has all of the instance variables. The only unusual aspect is that, within child class method definitions, you can't directly access parent class instance variables. For example, if the parent had a height instance variable, child class method definitions wouldn't be able to access this directly.

Can the parent class use methods from the child class Python?

As part of OOPS and avoiding code repetition, you can access parent class methods from the child. Similarly, vice versa.

How do you call a child class method from parent class object in Python?

Calling Parent class Method Well this can done using Python. You just have to create an object of the child class and call the function of the parent class using dot(.) operator.

Do child classes inherit methods Python?

Child classes inherit the methods of the parent class it belongs to, so each child class can make use of those methods within programs.

2 Answers

Don't use inheritance here

Invert your design. Instead of a parent-child implementation which is a "is-a" relationship why not just have a composition so you get a "has-a" relationship? You could define classes which implement the methods you'd like while your previous parent class would be instantiated with those implementation specific classes.

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, impl)
        self.impl = impl
    def run(self,var):
        print "prepare"
        print "I'm done"

class AnImplementation:
    def runImpl(self,var):
like image 129
wheaties Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 12:10


Yonatan, your question isn't clear! Depending on the situation you could use many different designs.

One solution would be to have explicit setup() and teardown() methods which are called by the run() method before calling runImpl(). This would allow subclasses to wrap/override these as needed.

class Runner(object):
    def run(self):
    def setup(self):
    def teardown(self):

class RunnerImplementation(Runner):
    def runImpl(self):
        pass # do some stuff
    def setup(self):
        print "doing setup"
        super(RunnerImplementation, self).setup()
    def teardown(self):
        print "doing teardown"
        super(RunnerImplementation, self).teardown()

However, you mentioned multiple inheritance, which means this isn't the direction you should be taking at all.

Your mentioning multiple inheritance and wrapping (as in "decorators") leads me to guess that you want to be able to write different "runner" implementations, each with its own setup/teardown process, while re-using pieces of setup/teardown between different "runners".

If this is the case, you could define resources which know how to setup and teardown themselves, and have each runner would declare which resources it requires. The run() method would run the relevant setup/teardown code of each resource and make them available to the runImpl() method.

class Resource(object):
    name = None # must give a name!
    def setup(self):
    def teardown(self):

class DatabaseResource(Resource):
    name = "DB"
    def setup(self):
        self.db = createDatabaseConnection()
    def teardown(self):

class TracingResource(Resource):
    name = "tracing"
    def setup(self):
        print "doing setup"
    def teardown(self):
        print "doing teardown"

class Runner(object):
    RESOURCES = []
    def run(self):
        resources = {}
        for resource_class in self.RESOURCES:
            resource = resource_class()
            resources[resource_class.name] = resource


        # teardown in opposite order of setup
        for resource in reversed(resources):

class RunnerA(Runner):
    RESOURCES = [TracingResource, DatabaseResource]

    def runImpl(self, resources):
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taleinat Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 10:10
