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Python: Pandas wrongly excluding column in groupby




I have come across the Pandas' silent exclusion of nuisance columns as explained here:Pandas Nuisance columns

It claims that it silently excludes columns if the aggregate function cannot be applied to the column.

Consider the following example:

I have a data frame:

df = pd.DataFrame({'C': {0: -0.91985400000000006, 1: -0.042379, 2: 1.2476419999999999, 3: -0.00992, 4: 0.290213, 5: 0.49576700000000001, 6: 0.36294899999999997, 7: 1.548106}, 'A': {0: 'foo', 1: 'bar', 2: 'foo', 3: 'bar', 4: 'foo', 5: 'bar', 6: 'foo', 7: 'foo'}, 'B': {0: -1.131345, 1: -0.089328999999999992, 2: 0.33786300000000002, 3: -0.94586700000000001, 4: -0.93213199999999996, 5: 1.9560299999999999, 6: 0.017587000000000002, 7: -0.016691999999999999}})

     A      B           C
0   foo -1.131345   -0.919854
1   bar -0.089329   -0.042379
2   foo 0.337863    1.247642
3   bar -0.945867   -0.009920
4   foo -0.932132   0.290213
5   bar 1.956030    0.495767
6   foo 0.017587    0.362949
7   foo -0.016692   1.548106

Let me combine two columns B and C and convert into a numpy ndarray:

df = df.assign(D=df[['B', 'C']].values.tolist())
df['D'] = df['D'].apply(np.array)


     A       B          C                   D
0   foo -1.131345   -0.919854   [-1.131345, -0.9198540000000001]
1   bar -0.089329   -0.042379   [-0.08932899999999999, -0.042379]
2   foo 0.337863    1.247642    [0.337863, 1.247642]
3   bar -0.945867   -0.009920   [-0.945867, -0.00992]
4   foo -0.932132   0.290213    [-0.932132, 0.290213]
5   bar 1.956030    0.495767    [1.95603, 0.495767]
6   foo 0.017587    0.362949    [0.017587000000000002, 0.36294899999999997]
7   foo -0.016692   1.548106    [-0.016692, 1.548106]

Now i can apply mean to column D:


[-0.10048563  0.3715655 ]

But when i try to groupby A and get the mean, column D is getting dropped:


        B         C
bar  0.306945   0.147823
foo  -0.344944  0.505811

My Question is, why is column D getting excluded even though, the aggregate function can be successfully applied?

And also, in general how do i use aggregate functions like mean or sum when a particular column of interest is a numpy array?

like image 705
Vikash Balasubramanian Avatar asked Feb 22 '18 08:02

Vikash Balasubramanian

People also ask

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Using reset_index() function Pandas provide a function called reset_index() to flatten the hierarchical index created due to the groupby aggregation function in Python. Parameters: level – removes only the specified levels from the index. drop – resets the index to the default integer index.

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From the docs: "NA groups in GroupBy are automatically excluded".

1 Answers

Is it possible, but need if-else in custom function:

def f(x):
    a = x.mean()
    return a if isinstance(a, (float, int)) else list(a)

df = df.groupby('A').agg(f)
print (df)
            B         C                                 D
bar  0.306945  0.147823  [0.306944666667, 0.147822666667]
foo -0.344944  0.505811           [-0.3449438, 0.5058112]

df = df.groupby('A').agg(lambda x: x.mean())
print (df)
            B         C   D
bar  0.306945  0.147823 NaN
foo -0.344944  0.505811 NaN
like image 95
jezrael Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09
