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Python Pandas - Read csv file containing multiple tables

I have a single .csv file containing multiple tables.

Using Pandas, what would be the best strategy to get two DataFrame inventory and HPBladeSystemRack from this one file ?

The input .csv looks like this:

System Name            IP Address    System Status
dg-enc05                             Normal
dg-enc05_vc_domain                   Unknown
dg-enc05-oa1   Normal

HP BladeSystem Rack         
System Name               Rack Name   Enclosure Name
dg-enc05                  BU40  
dg-enc05-oa1              BU40        dg-enc05
dg-enc05-oa2              BU40        dg-enc05

The best I've come up with so far is to convert this .csv file into Excel workbook (xlxs), split the tables into sheets and use:

inventory = read_excel('path_to_file.csv', 'sheet1', skiprow=1)
HPBladeSystemRack = read_excel('path_to_file.csv', 'sheet2', skiprow=2)


  • This approach requires xlrd module.
  • Those log files have to be analyzed in real time, so that it would be way better to find a way to analyze them as they come from the logs.
  • The real logs have far more tables than those two.
like image 680
JahMyst Avatar asked Dec 09 '15 17:12


People also ask

Can a CSV file have multiple tables?

There's technically nothing stopping you from having more than one table, using a format you decide on and implement and keep consistent. For instance, you could parse the file yourself and use a line with 5 hyphens to designate a separate table.

How do I read multiple CSV files in pandas?

You can do this by reading each CSV file into DataFrame and appending or concatenating the DataFrames to create a single DataFrame with data from all files. Here, I will use read_csv() to read CSV files and concat() function to concatenate DataFrams together to create one big DataFrame.

What does Parse_dates in pandas do?

If True and parse_dates is enabled, pandas will attempt to infer the format of the datetime strings in the columns, and if it can be inferred, switch to a faster method of parsing them. In some cases this can increase the parsing speed by 5-10x.

2 Answers

Pandas doesn't seem to be ready to do this easily, so I ended up doing my own split_csv function. It only requires table names and will output .csv files named after each table.

import csv
from os.path import dirname # gets parent folder in a path
from os.path import join # concatenate paths

table_names = ["Inventory", "HP BladeSystem Rack", "Network Interface"]

def split_csv(csv_path, table_names):
    tables_infos = detect_tables_from_csv(csv_path, table_names)
    for table_info in tables_infos:
        split_csv_by_indexes(csv_path, table_info)

def split_csv_by_indexes(csv_path, table_info):
    title, start_index, end_index = table_info
    print title, start_index, end_index
    dir_ = dirname(csv_path)
    output_path = join(dir_, title) + ".csv"
    with open(output_path, 'w') as output_file, open(csv_path, 'rb') as input_file:
        writer = csv.writer(output_file)
        reader = csv.reader(input_file)
        for i, line in enumerate(reader):
            if i < start_index:
            if i > end_index:

def detect_tables_from_csv(csv_path, table_names):
    output = []
    with open(csv_path, 'rb') as csv_file:
        reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
        for idx, row in enumerate(reader):
            for col in row:
                match = [title for title in table_names if title in col]
                if match:
                    match = match[0] # get the first matching element
                        end_index = idx - 1
                    except NameError:
                        start_index = 0
                        output.append((previous_match, start_index, end_index))
                    print "Found new table", col
                    start_index = idx
                    previous_match = match
                    match = False

        end_index = idx  # last 'end_index' set to EOF
        output.append((previous_match, start_index, end_index))
        return output

if __name__ == '__main__':
    csv_path = 'switch_records.csv'
        split_csv(csv_path, table_names)
    except IOError as e:
        print "This file doesn't exist. Aborting."
        print e
like image 146
JahMyst Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09


If you know the table names beforehand, then something like this:

df = pd.read_csv("jahmyst2.csv", header=None, names=range(3))
table_names = ["Inventory", "HP BladeSystem Rack", "Network Interface"]
groups = df[0].isin(table_names).cumsum()
tables = {g.iloc[0,0]: g.iloc[1:] for k,g in df.groupby(groups)}

should work to produce a dictionary with keys as the table names and values as the subtables.

>>> list(tables)
['HP BladeSystem Rack', 'Inventory']
>>> for k,v in tables.items():
...     print("table:", k)
...     print(v)
...     print()
table: HP BladeSystem Rack
              0          1               2
6   System Name  Rack Name  Enclosure Name
7      dg-enc05       BU40             NaN
8  dg-enc05-oa1       BU40        dg-enc05
9  dg-enc05-oa2       BU40        dg-enc05

table: Inventory
                    0             1              2
1         System Name    IP Address  System Status
2            dg-enc05           NaN         Normal
3  dg-enc05_vc_domain           NaN        Unknown
4        dg-enc05-oa1         Normal

Once you've got that, you can set the column names to the first rows, etc.

like image 38
DSM Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09