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Python pandas: fast way to flatten JSON into rows by a surrogate key

My knowledge of packages such as pandas is fairly shallow, and I've been looking for a solution to flatten data into rows. With a dict like this, with a surrogate key called entry_id:

data = [
        "id": 1,
        "entry_id": 123,
        "type": "ticker",
        "value": "IBM"
        "id": 2,
        "entry_id": 123,
        "type": "company_name",
        "value": "International Business Machines"
        "id": 3,
        "entry_id": 123,
        "type": "cusip",
        "value": "01234567"
        "id": 4,
        "entry_id": 321,
        "type": "ticker",
        "value": "AAPL"
        "id": 5,
        "entry_id": 321,
        "type": "permno",
        "value": "123456"
        "id": 6,
        "entry_id": 321,
        "type": "company_name",
        "value": "Apple, Inc."
        "id": 7,
        "entry_id": 321,
        "type": "formation_date",
        "value": "1976-04-01"

I would like to flatten the data into rows grouped by the surrogate key entry_id to look like this (empty strings or None values, doesn't matter):

    {"entry_id": 123, "ticker": "IBM", "permno": "", "company_name": "International Business Machines", "cusip": "01234567", "formation_date": ""},
    {"entry_id": 321, "ticker": "AAPL", "permno": "123456", "company_name": "Apple, Inc", "cusip": "", "formation_date": "1976-04-01"}

I've tried using DataFrame's groupby and json_normalize, but haven't been able to get the right level of sorcery for the desired result. I could walk the data in pure Python, but I'm certain that would not be a fast solution. I'm not sure how to specify that type is the column, value is the value, and entry_id is the aggregation key. I'm open to packages other than pandas as well.

like image 351
FlipperPA Avatar asked May 27 '21 13:05


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Pandas have a nice inbuilt function called json_normalize() to flatten the simple to moderately semi-structured nested JSON structures to flat tables. Parameters: data – dict or list of dicts.

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Flatten columns: use get_level_values() Flatten columns: use to_flat_index() Flatten columns: join column labels. Flatten rows: flatten all levels.

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Dask runs faster than pandas for this query, even when the most inefficient column type is used, because it parallelizes the computations. pandas only uses 1 CPU core to run the query. My computer has 4 cores and Dask uses all the cores to run the computation.

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json_normalize. Normalize semi-structured JSON data into a flat table. Unserialized JSON objects.

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Pandas json_normalize() function is a quick, convenient, and powerful way for flattening JSON into a DataFrame. I hope this article will help you to save time in flattening JSON data. I recommend you to check out the documentation for the json_normalize() API and to know about other things you can do.

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Pandas provides a nice utility function json_normalize for flattening semi-structured JSON objects. Let’s consider the following JSON object: json_normalize does a pretty good job of flatting the object into a pandas dataframe: However flattening objects with embedded arrays is not as trivial. Consider the following JSON object:

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Often, the JSON data you will be working on is stored locally as a .json file. However, Pandas json_normalize () function only accepts a dict or a list of dicts. To work around it, you need help from a 3rd module, for example, the Python json module: data = json.loads (f.read ()) loads data using Python json module.

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1 Answers

We can create a dataframe from the given list of records, then pivot the dataframe to reshape, fill the NaN values with empty string, then convert the pivoted frame to dictionary

df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df.pivot('entry_id', 'type', 'value').fillna('').reset_index().to_dict('r')

[{'entry_id': 123,
  'company_name': 'International Business Machines',
  'cusip': '01234567',
  'formation_date': '',
  'permno': '',
  'ticker': 'IBM'},
 {'entry_id': 321,
  'company_name': 'Apple, Inc.',
  'cusip': '',
  'formation_date': '1976-04-01',
  'permno': '123456',
  'ticker': 'AAPL'}]
like image 70
Shubham Sharma Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09

Shubham Sharma