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Python output from print(print(print('aaa')))

I don't quite understand output received from:





First aaa is clear. But I thought that second print(aaa) will throw an error as variable aaa is not defined...

like image 594
pitmod Avatar asked Jun 23 '18 11:06


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print(' ') will print a space character and a newline; while print('') (or print() ) will only print the newline. It doesn't take away anything. Thank you very much! Now I understand why the output looked the way that it did.

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The new line character in Python is \n . It is used to indicate the end of a line of text. You can print strings without adding a new line with end = <character> , which <character> is the character that will be used to separate the lines.

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The basic way to do output is the print statement. To end the printed line with a newline, add a print statement without any objects. This will print to any object that implements write(), which includes file objects.

4 Answers


The outer print will receive as argument not what inner print printed to stdout, but what inner print returned. And print function never returns anything (equivalent to returning None). That's why you see this output.

like image 154
Eugene Primako Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 20:10

Eugene Primako

Here is an example which does the same thing, and you will understand it better:

def f():



None is at the end because you are basically doing print(print('Hello')), print writes something in the python interpreter and also when you do type(print()) it outputs: <class 'NoneType'> So this part is print(None).

So that's why the output of print(print(print('aaa'))) includes None's

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U12-Forward Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 20:10


First we just split our code

>>>a = print('aaa')
>>>b = print(a)

Now you understand !! (python 3)

like image 38
Nidhin Sajeev Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 22:10

Nidhin Sajeev

print prints on the standard output and returns None. Your second print statement gets result of first print which is None

like image 36
Anurag Awasthi Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 22:10

Anurag Awasthi