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Python OpenCV open window on top of other applications


When executing an OpenCV python script containing: cv2.imshow(img) the resulting window opens behind my terminal window. This is a mild irritation - is there any way to get it to initially open in front / on top?

A number of people have asked questions (here and here) about forcing persistent behaviour but this is, I think, simpler.

Platform OS X and OpenCV 2.4.11

like image 819
s-low Avatar asked Jul 10 '15 21:07


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2 Answers

One way to work around this would be to set all windows from OpenCV "frontmost" using AppleScript.

subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/osascript", "-e", 'tell app "Finder" to set frontmost of process "Python" to true'])

This way, all windows should be brought to the front.

like image 183
pradyunsg Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 14:09


I can do what I think you want by adding a single line to the following file in the OpenCV distribution:


It is around line 568, and is the single line after the word SETCHELL in the code below:

    [window setFrameTopLeftPoint:initContentRect.origin];

    [window setFirstContent:YES];

    [window setContentView:[[CVView alloc] init]];

    [window setHasShadow:YES];
    [window setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
    [window useOptimizedDrawing:YES];
    [window setTitle:windowName];
    [window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];

// SETCHELL - raise window to top of stacking order
[window setLevel:CGWindowLevelForKey(kCGMaximumWindowLevelKey)];

    [window setAutosize:(flags == CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)];

    [windows setValue:window forKey:windowName];

    [localpool drain];
    return [windows count]-1;

CV_IMPL int cvWaitKey (int maxWait)
like image 21
Mark Setchell Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 14:09

Mark Setchell