I have a large image , using cv2 module in python and some coordinates i cropped the image:
img = cv.imread(image_path)
crop_img = img[y1:y2,x1:x2]
cv.imwrite(cropPath, crop_img)
now the crop_img is a numpy.ndarray type. then I save this image to disk and read its contents in a binary format using an open() function
with open(cropPath, 'rb') as image_file:
content = image_file.read()
and I get the binary representation. Is there any way to do the above operations without saving the image to disk. Not saving to disk will save a lot of time, I am not able to find any method to do this. if anyone could point in the right direction, that would be helpful.
found the answer on this thread: Python OpenCV convert image to byte string?
converting a image represented through a numpy array into string can be done by using imencode and tostring functions in cv2
>>> img_str = cv.imencode('.jpg', img)[1].tostring()
>>> type(img_str)
If you use cv2.imwrite()
, then you will get an image in image format,such as png, jpg, bmp
and so on. Now if you open(xxx,"rb")
as a normal binary file, it will go wrong, because it is AN IMAGE in IMAGE FILE FORMAT
The simplest way is use np.save()
to save the np.ndarray
to the disk (serialize
) in .npy format. The use np.load()
to load from disk (deserialize
An alternative is pickle.dump()/pickle.load()
Here is an example:
# 2017.10.04 21:39:35 CST
import pickle
imgname = "Pictures/cat.jpg"
## use cv2.imread()/cv2.imwrite()
img = cv2.imread(imgname)
## use np.save() / np.load()
np.save(open("another_cat1.npy","wb+"), img)
cat1 = np.load(open("another_cat1.npy","rb"))
## use pickle.dump() / pickle.load()
pickle.dump(img, open("another_cat2.npy","wb+"))
cat2 = pickle.load(open("another_cat2.npy", "rb"))
cv2.imshow("img", img);
cv2.imshow("cat1", cat1);
cv2.imshow("cat2", cat2);
The result:
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