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Python OpenCV cv2.VideoWriter Error

I'm trying to export the data coming from a thermal camera but I get an error message that says

error: /build/opencv-ISmtkH/opencv- error: (-215) image->depth == 8 in function writeFrame

Can someone look at what I'm doing and tell me what I'm doing wrong? I followed and example pretty closely so I don't understand what this error means or why it's happening.

o = camera.add_overlay(np.getbuffer(a), size=(320,240), layer=3, alpha=int(alpha), crop=(0,0,80,60), vflip=flip_v)

filename = time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d  %H.%M.%S", time.localtime()) + ".avi"
fourcc =  cv2.cv.CV_FOURCC('I','4','2','0')
out = cv2.VideoWriter(filename, fourcc, fps, (width, height))

  time.sleep(0.2) # give the overlay buffers a chance to initialize
  with Lepton(device) as l:
    last_nr = 0
    while True:
      _,nr = l.capture(lepton_buf)


      if nr == last_nr:
        # no need to redo this frame
      last_nr = nr
      cv2.normalize(lepton_buf, lepton_buf, 0, 65535, cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
      np.right_shift(lepton_buf, 8, lepton_buf)
      a[:lepton_buf.shape[0], :lepton_buf.shape[1], :] = lepton_buf
except Exception:
like image 650
Angel Lockhart Avatar asked Feb 06 '23 09:02

Angel Lockhart

2 Answers

You need to change out.write(lepton_buf) to out.write(np.uint8(lepton_buf))

What you're trying to write isn't a number and that's what's confusing it.

like image 161
sgmm Avatar answered Feb 13 '23 07:02


Several suggestions to try

Try a more common codec:

fourcc=cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('X', 'V', 'I', 'D')

make sure your video dimensions fit the image dimensions. Try swapping width and height, the order of these can be confusing.


or specify directly width and height for your video:

out = cv2.VideoWriter(filename, fourcc, 8.0, (60, 80))

as stated before by @Crystal, make sure you convert your image data to data type 'uint8'

Try saving to a 'fresh' file name. Sometimes opencv videowriter silently fails saving to a file that hasn't been properly released from a previous access.

finally, release your file when done writing frames!

like image 31
jlarsch Avatar answered Feb 13 '23 07:02
